Early Years Setting Management
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- 4 replies
Just wondered what people would do if for example a few members of the staff team (not all) had to work extra hours one day related to admin or 'housekeeping' (not preplanned but necessary) and a committee member helped with that task for that period also - say a couple of hours....would you allow staff to claim overtime for the hours worked even though the committee member did it voluntarily?
- 1 reply
Okay so I'm hoping you guys will be able to help me. As discussed in a recent posting I have been open a yr and had quite a high turn over of staff. Sending staff on training courses etc you know the usual, food hygiene etc, inducted them and so on. Only for them to leave 3 or 4 mths later with a full time job to go to or a better paid job doing somthing entirely different altogether e.g. to be a driving instructor and work in a bank. So my question to everyone is I now have the c.vs in front of me and am about to recruit again. Now my problem is do you go for the person that's best for the job i.e the one will the wide array of experience who is an employers dream. You k…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25678, -
- 2 replies
At present I am Acting Manager of a Day Nursery attached to a Children's Centre. I am going to be undertaking a SPI on 26th May. I am a little apprehensive as I do not know what sort of things will be asked of me. Any hints would be greatly apprechiated from anyone x x x Thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6541, -
Interviewing A Prospective Provider
by Guest- 0 replies
We will be interviewing private providers to take over our nursery wraparound and sessions for 2 year olds. As the nursery teacher I have been asked to sit on the panel and to contribute some questions. What would you ask?
Help Needed Please
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi Just a query (on behalf of our Pre School committee). They are currently shortlisting for the role of Supervisor/Manager of our Pre School (Yes I am going !!!) They were going to conduct interviews themselves....I have no problem with this however am I right in thinking that they need to inform Ofsted - and do Ofsted conduce a suitable person interview? Any help would be appreciated please.
- 30 replies
One of our children has stopped coming owing £217.00. At first they didnt attend because they were moving house but each week passed and he was a no show. I spoke to mom last week by phone, very nicely asked after her son, she told me he wasnt coming back, he got upset when she mentioned playgroup so she wasnt going to push him. He's got a nursery place for September so she'll keep him at home for now. I said I hope he manages to settle, had a chat about children in general and then told her she owes the money. Complete silence. Said she hadnt realised (but playleader had asked her loads of times before she finally stopped coming) she said she would drop it round. A week …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 11 replies
what benefits do you give to your emplyees. I am finding difficult to retain staff, mainly because we only run during the mornings. It is me or is so difficult to get the right staff, qualification and experience wise who only want a morning job. I should add we are a a new setting so have been told this is normal with any new business in the first 2 yrs but its so much wrk. Training them up and then there off again usually to a day nursery with 8 to 6 hours. Is anyone in the same boat. So anyway one of the ways im trying to retain staff is to offer them good benefits but even this is proving difficult given the budget i have.
Criminal Convictions
by Guest- 9 replies
A member of staff is being investigated for earning over the threshold for carers allowance (her son is disabled), she has to attend an interview under caution and then will know what will happen next. She has been very honest with us and explained everything, what I want to know is, if she is convicted of benefit fraud will we have to dissmiss her. Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 12 replies
Has anyone out there got the wording they used on their most recent charity accounts as a public benefit statement? I am trying to draft the accounts and am struggling here!! Hopefully some wise owl will come along and help me out!! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Renew Child Protection Course?
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi Following on from my staff training post a member said that the child protection, food hygiene etc has to be renewed every 3 years. I knew the first aid did but did not know child protection did. Where does it state this? Anyone else do this ? Is it just good practice? Thanks Plus Im sure first aid certificate has expiry date but does child protection one have one?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2418,