Early Years Setting Management
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- 3 replies
Does anyone have a parental questionnaire they wouldn't mind uploading? Want to start my sef soon and am looking at the section on the views of the people who use your setting. Thank you
- 29 replies
can anyone point me in the right direction, we have a parent rota system in operation, do the parents who volunteer need to be CRB checked (they are never alone with the children and basically just come in to help wash up etc etc) are they only allowed to do a specific number of days before they must become CRB checked or are they able to do as many days as required.
Staff Training
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all Not soemthing i am familar with as a worker but how do you get satff to do training eg first aid, safeguarding? As member of committeei have been told that the staff are not keen on going in their own time even if they get paid for it! However, it is necessary for the setting that this is done.Where do we stand if they refuse? I am really hoping it does not come down to this of course!
Suitable Person Interview
by Guest- 2 replies
What does it involve? I wasn't intending to do it as I'm only temporary for 4 - 6 weeks, but the directors are getting annoyed with the deputy elevating her own status because she's the suitable person therefore she should be manager. TIA
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6721, -
by Guest- 11 replies
anyone else having this problem... We naturally don't let anyone start a position until we have their CRB clearance through. In our last recruitment campaign, we did all the paerwork sent off for the CRB and then had notification from the staff (2 of them) that they had got another job they could start sooner (without the CRB) so were taking that thus leaving me short of two staff and out of pocket for the crb! Does anyone charge for the CRB? does anyone have a clause that can claw it back if they then withdraw- am I the only person that won't let them start without a CRB???
- 1 reply
im putting an application pack together and just wondered if anyone has a 'safeguarding statemet' they wouldn't mind sharing with me. Thank you! Also, does anyone have a self-disclosure form they wouldn't mind me having a copy of.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 reply
Im after your thoughts. I am looking at progressing from a 9 to 12 provision to a 9 to 3 provision from Sept. However I'm considering the minimum amount of staff I'm likely to need as we currently don't have any children so will be something I need to build up. Our problem is we are based in a community centre so the toilets are on the outside and children have to be escorted. I'm thinking 3, however it might be difficult for us to do free-flow. I have a thing about leaving staff outside or indoors on their as a way of protecting them e.g. if a child has an accident at least they have a whitness etc. However mrs o said as long as the staff are in ear shot of each other. W…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19135, -
Information Leaflets For Parents
by Guest- 3 replies
Help! I can't find any parent friendly information leaflets. I've looked on the national standards site but can only find the DVD and wall chart which we already have, but I need something more specific. We recently did a parent questionnaire and asked if they would like to know more about EYFS and children's learning - lots said yes so now I need to find something to start them off with. i hope it will lead to workchop kind if things but Im stuck at the moment. Any help very much appreciated!
by Guest- 9 replies
How do you manage your in work breaks/lunch? Are they unpaid?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19135, -
- 4 replies
Has anyone read the 'safer recruitment guidance' on the CWDC website. It recommends using an application form rather then getting prospective employees to send their cvs. I think it said something to do with higlighting gaps and discrepencies. Anyway you also order a cd rom for free with adaptable docs. Does anyone have this CD ROM and does it have an application form on it. If so does aomeone mind uploading it. I need to get this done asap as have a vacancy to fill.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26107,