Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
World Cup
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Everyone hope everyone has had a lovely day. I was after a few ideas. Our school is doing a whole school topic on the World Cup next half term. Each class chooses a country and we base our learning around this, however because we are Nursery we are still going to follow the childrens interests as well. I was after a few ideas that I could do with the children during focused activities and child initiated in the continuous provision?? Our country is England but we are also going to link with Spain. We also have to transform the class room. has anyone got any ideas of resources and activties that i could do, really need peoples help. much appreciated kate
Fees T's And C's
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I'm Looking to amend the fees T's and C's to incorporate a section on the funded hours does anybody have a copy they wouldn't mind letting me have a look at for some ideas! Thanks Z
One Problem After Another
by Guest- 9 replies
Something else I've been thinking about all day, one of my staff members has a child at the nursery both of them are in the pre-school room (no idea why!!) Anyways yesterday I over heard her say "If you wet your knickers you will get a smack" I didn't do anything because I was so shocked, but now I think I ought to say something on Monday. But should I just have an informal chat or should I instigate the disciplinary procedure? She's in a union as well so I really have to do things carefully.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Lack Of Involvement From Parents 1 2
by Guest- 34 replies
Have you ever politely complained to parents about their lack of involvement? Out of 25 sets of parents - only 3 said they'd help wash up. 0 interest in our quiz (last year sold out), 0 interest in help with leaflet drop around the villages. This years parents don't want to do anything! In previous years we've never had this problem. We need parental involvement to survive! We just don't know what to do ppp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
Hot Water Temperature
by Guest- 10 replies
Is there a maximum temperature for hot water? ppp
- 5 replies
We will be moving from a 2.5 hour session to a 3 hour session in September. We are mornings only and can not offer afternoon sessions as we have to be out of our hall. We start at 9.30am again this can't be changed due to staff having to take their own children to school. In September we will be running with approx 25 new, 2 year olds and 5, old 3 year olds. We are thinking about the extra 1/2 hour and what to offer should it be a) Extension to their learning/playing time Lunch Club Does anybody have any thoughts on the above? We have never offered a lunch club before, so don't really know about what pros/cons this may bring either.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 19 replies
We are a 9-12 term time only playgroup open 39 wks a yr. I am currently probably like evryone at the moment looking for ways to cut costs and have just had a thought regarding pay. I'm wondering if I split the 39wks over 12 months whether or not I will avoid employers n.i. Obviously I know this will depend on their rate pf pay etc as to whther or not this is likely to be the case. However I'm wondering how I would pay holiday pay e.g. I understand that you cannot pay it on top of their wages and it has to be paid as they are taking their hol if that makes sense. What are everyones holiday arrangemnts in similar settings e.g. do you all just get paid what you are entitled …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone I am fed up with using form excel spreadsheets that someone wrote about 6-7 years ago for my registers / fees etc. They are very out of date now and I don't have the time / know how to write new ones. Please can anyone recommend a good computer software for pre-school records / bills etc. I have seen a prefect one in the preschool learning alliance magazine but it is £500! Any ideas?
- 2 replies
How often as a manager do you review the keyworkers 'learning journey folders' that they keep on their children? Do you just have them in and look at them, or do you review them with the keyworkers?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 9 replies
Am considering selling my pre-school which runs during term time from 9-12. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about estimating the value for it? Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26107,