Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 16 replies
Expecting Ofsted any day. Need help with measuring progress. Is there a quantifiable way of measuring whether Nursery children have made fair, good, very good progress? Is it if they move from one age band to another, or two age bands?? If Ofsted say to me what progress haver they made-how much, I want to be secure. In reception, am presuming if they come in at 2 points and leave with any thing over 6 that is good progress....is it? If leave with 8 0r 9 very good progress??? Below 6 below expectations? What about if they come in at 1 and leave at 5. Same differential as coming in at 2 and leaving at 6. So even though below 6, still expected level of progress??? …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
Headlice - Need Advice Please
by Guest- 19 replies
Hi I have one particular child who is constantly arriving at the nursery with headlice. Our policy is to send them home to be treated, so this child has been sent home on more than seven occassions. This morning she arrives at nursey in a hat and her mother has told her not to take her hat off, however we do not allow hats indoors and so the hat came off to reveal a head crawiling in adult lice. I have rang the parent and asked her to collect the child and she is not happy, however neither am I as I feel its awful that the child has been told not to take her hat off, not to let the ladies touch her hair. What would you lot do? should I be contacting someon…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
What Doyou Think Of This Then?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all Was just updating ourwebsite when i came across another preschool website in a village 5 mins away from ours. They are using the same layout as ourselves (free set up provided by BT) and so i thoughtto check out the competitions website!!! Couldnt believe it when i read the following: We offer convenient and flexible sessions, including morning and afternoon sessions, a lunch club and day care from 9.00am - 3.15pm. Our qualified staff are able to care for your children on a ratio of 1 adult to every 5 children with a maximum of 25 children per session.The sesions are open to children aged between 2½ and school age. Children need to be toilet trained . …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 7 replies
In our setting we use photos of the children in their learning journeys as evidence of activities etc. However although every parent has given written permission for this to happen we are debating whether photos that include other children should be used? For example a group activity like making a large junk robot together has pictures of lots of children in them. Should this be used in a childs learning journey or should it just be direct photos of that child? we are finding this a trick issue especially when there are super shots of them playing with their friends!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 28 replies
Hi i need some help. Each term i write out invoices for about 40 children by hand using a template. Dear parent/carere of _________________ your fees for the _____________ term are now due. The amount payable is ______________ as is worked out as ___ hrs attended minus 15 hours nursery grant funding totals ___ any way you get the idea. Money then comes in and I write a reciept for each person. Does any one use a program on the computer. Not sure if it will be quicker but its worth a try. We are a playgroup. many thanks Buttercup
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
15 Hours In Full Day Care (pvi)
by Guest- 12 replies
hello all, I'm looking at how to "invoice" for the 15 hours and how to meet the critera but not suddenly lose revenue. (as is everybody I expect!). under the current practice the parents are billed their monthly sessions and the grant entitlement is deducted from their bill. However, it is my understanding that this is no longer acceptable. I would really appreciate hearing from other managers providers as to how they are going to manage the invoicing and fees! thanks Z
by Guest- 6 replies
We were advised after a problem of unpaid/late paid invoices to include the words: *** ****has a policy enabling us to pursue all unpaid fees. This is in accordance with guidelines issued by the Pre-school Learning Alliance (PSLA). A warning/reminder will be sent on any overdue accounts. If a second warning is needed a £10 administration fee will become due. A third warning will be followed up by County court action. However the latest committee wants to take this off the invoice. What do you think? Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
Admin Job
by Guest- 2 replies
We have our own administrator who deals with the fees, book keeping etc for a few years now paid. We have just had on board a new chairperson who is very particular in getting everything sorted out and done proper, going through everybodies job descriptions, term and conditions etc etc to review them. But she has noticed that the admin does not have a written job description and can't find the terms and conditions as well. Does anybody have a job description for an administrator etc that they could share with me so that I can have a look. Thank you
- 2 replies
I would be interested to hear how providers in Birmingham are planning to provide the 15 hours funding as from september. We currently run 9.00 t0 11.30 and 1.00 to 3.30. If it was straightforward we could offer 9.00 to 12.00 and 1.00 to 4.00, but with it having to be more flexible than that, what are other providers proposing? Any help on what to offer parents would be most helpful.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 6 replies
Hi I will be holding interviews over Easter for a new administrator for our pre-school and I was wondering if some kind soul who has already employed an administrator would have a list of questions to ask candidates to save me time and energy. I would be eternally grateful as it looks like Easter will be a blur of work, study, work, study..... - you all know what it is like I know. I have a job description and I realize some questions will be relevant to that. I intend to ask each candidate the same questions and mark them on a scale of 1 to 5, to show that I am treating them equally etc.