Early Years Setting Management
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Nursery Child Who Is Just 3 Not 4
by Guest- 9 replies
what I mean is that our HT (state maintained Nursery school) is proposing to admit a child to nursery now who was 3 in september 2009, not 4. I have never heard of this before and feel very uncomfortable about it when we have a huge waiting list of appropriately aged children. HT is saying that she "owes mum a favour" and has told her child can have the place. It is part time each morning, but to me that's irrelevant really! The child is not looked after, doesn't have a child in need plan and is not known to health and social care. Has anyone in a maintained nursery school ever done this or heard of this going on? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Workload-sigh! 1 2
by Guest- 41 replies
Hi Chaps, I am a pre-school leader, new to it in September but previously been a teacher before I had my own children. My husband is already fed up with me doing so much work at home while he looks after the children all day. I love my job but I too am a bit fed up. I didn't mind doing so much out of ours work as a teacher paid £35,000 and with 13 weeks paid holiday but at £9 an hour I seem to be doing too much unpaid overtime. I think the main issue is that we are a pack-away setting. I spend 3. 5 hours a week, unpaid, setting up and putting away because it takes longer than the 30 minutes we are paid to do it in. There is then no time to talk with staff, …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26403, -
Hansel And Gretal
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Im new to reception and I just want some help planning a 2 week topic around Hansel and Gretal. Has anyone got any ideas to cover the KUW, PSED and CLL strand. (Particularly the CLL strand- mark making activities needed for the LA) Help will be much appreciated....the internet is useless!!! Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
A Moan
by Guest- 11 replies
Well I have just had one of the worse days ever. I've been managing 10 years and I have never had a new parent complain about just about everything! One the child's second day her list of complaints, which she told me on her way out after dropping him off included; she didnt think sand was appropriate she didnt think shells in the room was appropriate she thought alot of the toys were not appropriate (she wouldn't gve me chance to explain the reason for these resources) the cot room floor was dirty; it had scuff marks on it apparently (I told her we have a cleaner) he had nappy rash, she agreed he was changed regularly but wanted him changed more often he didnt get…
Child Initiated V Teaching Time?
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi I am very new to this and this is my first post. I am absolutely at my wits end. I feel like I cant possibly work any harder/more. I am in a school where FS2 results are below LA and national. At the moment the chn seem to do loads of free play since I joined (am NQT). I dont want to sit the chn down and force things down their neck but have introduced a literacy, numeracy (in mornings) and a another(atfernoons) unless can double up like making collages of Ugly Ducklings this week can also be Literacy. The MTP for us as a setting is not working and our leader acknowledges this. I know things need changing as not enough teaching going on but I am driving myself mad …
Christmas Party
by Guest- 9 replies
Evening All, We are a pre-school and are registered for 16 children but have 25 on role. We want to have a Christmas party and invite all the children. We have enough staff to be in ratio but would go over registration. How do other settings get around this one? Do I have to ask 9 parents to stay? We will be using the big hall as well as our room so space wise it will be more than adequate but when we registered we only included our base room when numbers were calculated for registration.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13656, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Just a quick question - we have a student who is with us just for a couple of months, she has a CRB from her college, do we still need to do a crb at the setting, as by the time its gone through she will be leaving... what do others do... i have already said she can't be left alone with the children or do the toilets etc... what are your thoughts...
Ofsted Evidence - Things To Declare
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi In need of some big help _ pretty quickly - tall order but I know you will rescue me - you have done so before - does anybody issue a form to their staff giving them the opportunity to 'disclose' anything and everything? What I am looking for is some kind of Pro Forma which staff complete annually or more often to ensure that they (the staff) remain 'fit for post' and have opportunity to disclose anything which may compromise their suitability for the job? Currently an Ofsted 'hot spot' regarding safeguarding for those who have been 'in post' for several years... I await patently for someone to rescue me and offer some help/pro forma to look at. Thanks in …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 4 replies
Someone told me the other day they'd heard that the government is saying 2 year olds will be accepted into schools in 2015 - does anyone know if this is true?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
Childcare Vouchers
by Guest- 10 replies
Could anybody please tell me what these are, or how I register to use them? We are a sessional Pre-School. thanks Debbie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,