Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
As with most Counties, we have to have a copy of a child's birth certificate alongside the parent's declaration form in order for the child to qualify for their free entitlement. I have a child who is in receipt of entitlement - I was assured that his birth certificate was away with his passport application and it would be brought in ASAP when it returned. Well, we're now well into the term and it's still not forthcoming. If I knew his father's name I could apply for a copy myself from the Registrar, but as I don't know this I'm stuck. We never see Mum, just Auntie, Gran or Granda and they give me the same story every time. His father's name isn't on any paperw…
Single Central Record
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anyone have a definitive list of what should be in the single central record for OFSTED? There seem to be all sorts of rumours flying around our locality re passports, birth certificates for staff etc. Can anyone help? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
Nursery Brochure / Leaflet
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi all we are a school nursery and currently don't fill all of our spaces. So one of my tasks is to raise the nursery profile and attract more families. Currently we give out a brochure/prospectus which is similar to a school prospectus when parents come to visit us, but the question has been raised as to how parent friendly this is. Wondering what you all give out to parents when they visit? Any ideas for a simpler leaflet style handout which will capture the key points and help parents remember all our good points? Alternatively any other ways that you attract prospective parents would be gratefully received.
Swine Flu Business Coninuity Plan
by Guest- 4 replies
can anyone help with devising a business continuity plan for swine flu in a preschool/playgroup ???? any help would be gratefully received x
National Minimum Wage
by Guest- 2 replies
The national minimum wage for the over-21s will rise today, Thursday 1st Oct to £5.80 per hour. Those aged 18 to 21 - minimum wage rise to £4.83 and those aged 16 to 17 will see their hourly rate rise to £3.57. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
A Simple Easy Register?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all, We have changed from sessional day care to full day care and we have children arriving at various times of the day. Children attend from 9.30 -2.30, 9.30 -12 and 12-2.30. Our register seems to get very muddled after a while. Does anyone have an easy and simple method that works well for them? Thanks Scottiedog
by Guest- 1 reply
not sure if i have posted this under the correct topic! But anyway, does anyone have any info they can share on induction procedures for students, what you go through with them, do you give them anything to take away and read? do you have job descriptions for long term students ect ect ect! I have a few long term ones this year and feel i should be doing more that what we do for the work experience students. many thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
School Nursery Staffing
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi I'm a Reception Teacher and have just taken over the FS Co-ordinator role. I am trying to find out some guidance on what qualifications are needed to lead a School ran Nursery. From the EYFS I can see that a Teacher or a practitioner with the Early Years Professional Status must be present in the Nursery - however in our part of the country it is common for Higher level TA's to lead Nurseries in schools, even after the introduction of the EYFS. Does anyone know if this is acceptable or not and if so do Schools receive funding for staff to achieve the EYPS??? I seem to be getting lots of mixed messages about this topic e.g. funding is currently in place …
Child With Peanut Allergy
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi, it's been a while since we've had a child with a nut allergy and I have spent this evening pulling together our paperwork for a child who is just joining us with peanut allergy. I have done: Administration of medicines documentation (v detailed, includes parental permission bit) Detailed Risk assessment assessment(using the Bolton model someone posted recently) Specific risk assessment document Memo re Special Dietary Requirements to display in the food prep area Note to parents re lunch boxes (with parental permission cos of confidentiality issues) I will ring PLA insurance dept to notify them tomorrow I will ring Health Visitor to see if she will still co…
Doing It All At Once?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi there, We are a new committee run pre-school that only opened 3 weeks ago. The chairperson is amazing, very organized, gets things done very efficiently and has done an awful lot of the initial paperwork that I know most leaders probably end up doing themselves. I think I am also a pretty organized person, though I say so myself, but I can't keep up with the very high expectations. We are a pack-away setting with no outdoor area of our own. When Ofsted come the chairperson is expecting nothing less than outstanding because she has done all her parts of the role to that level (which she has). She thinks we should be Ofsted ready with all paperwork and system…