Early Years Setting Management
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- 7 replies
Hi I am thinking about offering extended care to younger children we are a small pre-school with approx 30 children on our books. We are regstaired to have 30 children at a time but limit that session number to 26. We take children as soon as they are 2.5 but I was wondering can anyone advise me on the introduction of 2 year olds into the session. Do I need a seperate room? Or can they all play toether? Do I need a sleep room? Or would buggys do? I have so many questions does anyone know who could answer them? or where to go to get those answers. KAT
- 9 replies
can i ask any of you who run a kids club from your nursery how many staff pick up the children from school and where the regulation comes from? i recently encountered 1 member of staff collecting 11 children from school rec-yr6 and was concerened..however when reported the person was told it was ok because there is no ratio???? ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
Investigation Processes
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, for those of you that are following my previous posts you will realise that we have had a child protection allegation made against a member of staff. now the nursery owner has stepped in to investigate this and yesterday and today she has been interviewing people to seek their views... clearly she had to interview the people that made the written complaint and then she had to interview people that were mentioned in the interview. she then made a decision to interview people that worked in the accused member of staff room, which is fine, but she said she would not interview any more since she felt she 'had enough' information. she will interview me, but no othe…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 12 replies
We haven't got new reporting books since the onset of EYFS and so ours are technically out of date. I would rather have A4 sheets that we can print off and file rather than buy new books that are only used once in a blue moon. If anyone has anything I can use, or link, I would be very grateful Kirsty xx
Flexible Care
by Guest- 10 replies
can i just ask how other sessional settings are doing their registers, as children come and go so many times throughout the day... how are you setting them out.... so that you have totals in session written down.... hope this makes sense... i have been messing about on excel for over an hour and can't seem to find a layout that works..
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
- 16 replies
Hi, any of you following my previous post will realise that two members of staff have made an allegation against another member of staff. the allegation involves a child protection concern. we have suspended the member of staff, pending inquiry, and have contacted ofsted for advice. they now have it logged that we have had an incident, and although they say we are dealing with it correctly, i am so worried that they may just turn up and inspect us. we are not due an inspection, and i have not yet fully completed the SEF, im so worried!!!!! is it likely do you think that they will inspect us. or do you think that since we have suspended person in question they wi…
by Guest- 27 replies
Hi We are a committee ran playgroup, we have recently got a new committee who seem to be very keen. Their latest wish is that staff are present at all or most fundrasiers including those that start as we close such as cake sales etc. Presently it is in staff contracts that they have to attend one fundrasier per year whcih was ok when they were far and few between but now we have a whole calender of events planned it seems a bit much. How do other groups manage things like this?
Employing An Admin Assistant?
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi all, My leader (I'm chair) has suggested that we might employ a kind of admin assistant to deal with some of the more routine paperwork (not profiles etc. but things like updating prospectus, invoicing, typing up letters, etc.) I'm all for this but just wanted to know whether anyone can foresee any problems with doing this. Thanks, Sue.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
Safeguarding Concern
by Guest- 2 replies
HI, we have had two separate complaints about a member of staff forcibly seating a child, and then later (on another occasion) pushing the child by the head away from a book that he was looking at. both times the same child and same staff member. both staff felt strongly enough to write this out. we need to know whether this member of staff needs suspending immediately on Monday pending an investigation or if she can still be in nursery. i know i would prefer her to be suspended pending the investigation, but what can we legally do, or what are we required to do in the eyes of ofsted? your advice / experiences would be gratefully received. Thanks Dawn
Can Eyps Teach Reception Children?
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi, hope someone can help me. i am looking to change the preschool i currently run (within a school) into afoundation unit. so reception and pre school will be together. i am unsure whether as an EYP i can 'run' the group or do i need a teacher in the class. Hope someone can help me please