Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Model Pre-school Constitution 2008 At the recent Pre-school Learning Alliance 2008 AGM the membership voted in favour of updating the Model Pre-school Constitution 2005. This was done in response to the Charities Act 2006 introducing new provisions into the Charities Act 2003 which means that charity trustees are now able to be remunerated for providing goods and services to a charity of which they are a trustee without obtaining special permission from the Charity Commission each time. Before a member of staff can sit on a pre-school committee certain requirements have to be met. The Charities Act 2006 has also altered the law relating to the ability of charities to…
- 20 replies
This term I have a rather large staffing problem - myself and my deputy supervisor are the only qualified members of staff in a team of six. Provided everyone remains hale and hearty I can just about manage, but I need to find a proper solution to the problem of finding suitable emergency cover for when staff are sick. I have a lady on maternity leave and would ideally like to find someone who is prepared to take on a short-ish term contract to cover her until she's ready to return. At the moment I'm covering this and to be honest I'm exhausted already! But if I could find someone to do this for me then I would be free to do the staff cover everyday which would…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Need Advice!
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all Well looks like thats it for me! Come Oct half term there arent the number of children to employ me...well about 3 under 2 yrs old suddenly turn 3yrs and thats it! Its not definate but heavily implied (if you know what I mean) given the finances of the pre-school. May change if the numbers go up after xmas but Im not sure I can hang around waiting.Is it unreasonable to think so? They are limiting the numbers of under 3yrs until they have enough to pay for extra staff member but as a parent would you wait around or find somewhere else? Supervisor already knows of one mum doing this as comm could not give her the days she wanted. Supervisor is pulling hair out.…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Parents Not Allowed?!
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi Just been informed by a member of our committee that parent help was discused at their meeting. One lady on committee works in a school and says that CRB are really clamping down and that parent helps are not allowed as not CRB checked. I said I would check it out...been on webites but cant find anything about this. In fact totally opposite....they say that settings are sometimes doing unnecesary checks! It was argued that we cant stop parent being in due to settling etc etc. We have always had the opinion that so long as parents were never left alone that it would be ok. We are desperate for our parents to attend. Any advice/info that I can pass along?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Committees -can Staff Join?
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi there everyone, I remember reading somewhere that staff may be able to join the committee? Any ideas? I'm struggling at the moment - If only the PLA did a blow up model Chair...now there's a thought!
- 2 replies
We have always done our staff rotas the week before for the following week offering staff flexible hours, not set hours, we are finding this way of working a nightmare with the rotas taking hours each week to complete, trouble is we have so many part time staff. Can anyone give me any tips on staff rotas. Someone I spoke to recently say they have 2 set shifts early start early finish late start late finish, How can we make sure we have enough staff either end of the day? Does the Manager cover at certain times? Does anyone have a rota I can look at please x
- 8 replies
We are have increasing amounts of parents claiming child tax credits and not paying our fees, does anyone know if Inland Revenue have a department that deals with this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7172, -
- 23 replies
Just wondering how any of you nursery/pre-school owners are taking the large rise in the minimum wage. I am not saying that the staff don't deserve decent wages, but I am worried about how I am going to afford the increase along with the huge rise in food bills, utilities etc. Is anybody thinking of putting up there fees, and if so, by how much. It's difficult as I know parents are facing financial problems themselves. Would be interested to here your views.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Manager - Ofsted Interview
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi - I am opening a new pre-school and I will be the manager. I will of course need to be interviewed by Ofsted to ensure I am suitable. Can anyone remember what they were asked at this interview. Obviously some of it will be about standards and policies and planning? Also how long does it normally last? thanks
- 8 replies
I recently attended a music workshop where we were told that we were breaking the law if we played tapes, cds etc without a licence. Has anybody already got a licence, if you have, who from and how much on average does it cost. debbs
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,