Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
Baby Room
by Guest- 9 replies
What ages do you children on average stay in the baby room? At the monent our children stay in the baby room until they are between 16 and 20 months depending on the individual childs needs, however the staff who care for our youngest members are struggling to juggle with effectively meeting the needs of the smallies who are 5 months and the wobblers who have an average age of 14 months and are toddling around. There are six children a day in the room all with very different needs. This has made me think about making changes for September when we have lots of small babies joining us. i am considering having two baby rooms (baby 1 and baby 2) age range 5 - 12 months and…
- 2 replies
Hi to all Does anyone have any formats yet for the step by step guide in the EYFS. Just trying to work on mine and having not much fun here! I need some ideas please! We have babies to five years. Thanks Shell x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6399, -
Parent Complaint
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi so today we had a written complaint regarding a child not having his medication (staff forgot to give it). mum collected and none of the staff in the room claimed to know if child had or had not had medication. so i looked at ongoing medication form to find it had not been filled in for the last week (child attends two days and has medication daily) ~ only senior staff give medication, that being myself, deputy and senior... i have never given the medication to him as deputy normally does it... the staff in his room get deputy each day to give it to him,... only this did not happen on this particular day.... so obviously angry mum that medication is not given…
Enrolment Forms.
by Guest MaryEMac- 3 replies
We are looking at updating our enrolment forms and I wondered what everyone else put in theirs, apart from the usual name and address, allergies, emergency contacts etc. I know that Peggy has put a copy of hers in the resources section but my computer won't let me open it. I would appreciate it if anyone could give me some ideas. Thank you in advance. Mary
Rubbish !
by Guest- 14 replies
Can I ask a really dopey question - How do you get rid of your rubbish.. Sorry Just something I'm puzzling on - I've had a letter from our Parish Council (we hire their hall) to say we must take all our rubbish home with us daily. This is new to us and not in our tenancy agreement. What are we supposed to do with it - no way will it fit in my personal wheely bin (we have fornightly collections here), not allowed a bin at the hall. Any ideas.................
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8391, -
- 11 replies
I am considering re-registering with ofsted from sessional to full daycare to maximise the places/flexibility for the 15 hour entitlement. I was wondering if anyone else has re-registered and what changes had to be made to premises or timetables, if there were any problems or unexpected complications and any advise that could be offered. Our setting has a meeting on Thursday with the Head of the school where we are based. We will be discussing what direction the preschool is going and our future plans. Any input would be really useful. Thank you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
- 7 replies
Hi, This may be a silly question, but there has been much discussion where I work as to whether NVQ level 2 teaching assisstants are allowed unsupervised access to children or not (3 and 4 year olds). I'm hoping somebody here can set me straight and point me in the right direction of the appropriate paperwork that backs this up or not as the case may be. I hope this makes sense. Andrea
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5180, -
by Guest- 9 replies
I wasn't too sure where to put this and do apologise if it has already been covered, but have just opened my copy of 'Under 5's' (PLA magazine) and read the article on pg 6. It gave me a link to this http://www.dfes.gov.uk/consultations/conSe...mp;itemNumber=3 I can't believe that Pre Schools like mine (sessional) will have to pay Ofsted an annual registration fee of £400 rather than the £20 we now pay by 2010!!! If this proposal goes ahead, we will be struggling big time. Just another convincing brick in the wall that there is a hidden agenda to close sessional pre schools. Please please please respond to the consultation and make your voices heard.
- 6 replies
We have an In-service training day soon and I am keen to break up the day with a few 'fun' games. I would love some new ideas of how I can 'relax' the staff and get them working / bonding together. Please let me know if you have any good ideas!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Bossy Teaching Assistant
by Guest- 8 replies
Just wondered how to deal with this one...I've got a level 3 TA in the nursery and I've found that she tells the children what to do and orders them around before I get chance! Today she told me she wanted prayers sooner so she could do something specific, she seems to have a louder voice than me and says things like 'Come on nursery, you don't usually do this' I feel undermined and am losing confidence. What can I say to her and how can I say it without hurting her feelings if possible? Or should I tell my line manager? ( I have told a colleague) I'm just returning after a long illness and want to avoid stressful situations as much as possible