Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Hi Had a query from a local setting. Wondered if you can help. Do any of you charge parents a fee to put their child on your waiting list? This setting has had parents not turn up to take their child's place. As have we this week. We do not charge a fee. Thanks
Level 3's
by Guest toddleo- 1 follower
- 3 replies
We are a charity pre school and have a leader (level 3), a deputy (level 3) and an assistant currentlyworking towards level 3. All our other staff are uinqualified. What is the requirement in Ofsted's eyes as far as levlel 3 staff are required, i.e if. say, the leader was off sick, is it OK to run with the remaining level 3 in charge and the working towards level 3 assisting? I believe that this is fine, but wanted to pick your brains to make sure.
Planning Outdoors
by Guest- 1 reply
Has anyone got any weekly planning examples that include both indoor and outdoor activities. I'm in a Children'sa Centre and word with children 0 - 5 . We have a new outdoor area and want to do some training on planning for both indoor and outdoor areas. I am interested in how other tweacher in Children;s Centres plan for this. Thanks for reading.
Staff Apprasals
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi I run a pre-school and have recently cut down on numbers to improve quality. However this now means I am always working directly with the children and no longer have spare time and staff to be able to conduct apprasals during sessions. Was wondering how other pre-schools manage this. The only solution I can see at the moment is to ask people to stay for a while at the end of a session for apprasals. However our budget is very tight and to find extra pay to fund this is going to be hard. What does everyone else do?
Shared Toilets
by Guest- 4 replies
As I posted recently I am having a few building prob's (I'll update you on progress soon). But another query - does anyone out there have to share the toilets with other users or the public. this has been suggested by my local LEA and I have been told it is possible just need to change my practice. How does this work, how do you do it safely, how do you prevent escapees, and what about accidents with lots of cleaning up required? Sorry loads of questions.
Record Keeping - How Long
by Guest- 16 replies
Dear All I think there is a post here somewhere that talks about how long we need to keep everything - if not am trying to find the answers to how long do we need to keep:- copies of insurance certificates childrens records accident/incident/books committee meeting minutes payroll/staff information CRB's on staff (perhaps who have left) annual returns on NEG type things annual reports and accounts monthly budgets etc and other things you can think of!!! If anyone can point me in the right direction would be most appreciated otherwise advice please - I have tried looking but cannot find it. Many thanks Nikki
- 4 replies
Does anyone have any info about the way the Government are going to be allocating the grant. We have just been told that it will be dependent on the size of the setting and the overheads. We have been asked to provide accounts to the LEA. Has this happened to anyone else?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Supervisor Dilemia
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi I just wanted some advise. I have a supervisor who i have tried to be very supportive off, but these last 6 months are starting to take there toll. Incidents are happening right next to her but she isn't seeing them. " boys were hitting each other and screamoing at each other today, she only had 5 children in the room, but she ignored them i had to come in from the other room to deal with it. I asked her why she hadn't dealt with it and she said she didn't see it. It's happening over and over again. Today we have had 3 incidents right next to her. She also didn't fill in an incident report last week when i was off when she dealt with an incident, i only found out beca…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Health & Safety Legislation
by Guest- 7 replies
Arrgh! Spent 3 hours last night on H&S course and am now trying to get my head around all the things I need to do (in my spare time of course!!). One is COSHH. I want to list all the cleaning materials we have in nursery, handsoaps, washing up liquid, anti-bac spray etc. Apparently you then ring the manufacturer and they send you the coshh analysis info which you duly file in your dedicated coshh file...... Anyone got a data hazard sheet to start me off? Also, a list of all the things you have included in yours......... Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Lettters Home To Parents
by Guest- 4 replies
I have been asked to draft a format for a regular information letter/booklett for parents. Has anyone got one to share so I can see the format amd what to include. I want it to be informative but not too formal and to look appealing to read. As ICT isn't my strongpoint I would really appreciate some ideas. Thanks.