Early Years Setting Management
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Charging A Retainer
by Guest Wolfie- 8 replies
I discovered yesterday that the nursery I support is allowing two families to pull their children out of the nursery for the six week summer holiday and start them again in September without the families having to pay any kind of retainer to keep their children's places open. This ISN'T normal practice is it? What do other nurseries do?
Suitable Qualification
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi someone posted a link showing all the acceptable qualifications for OFSTED but I'm afraid i can't find it. Can someone please tell me whether someone with an APEL level 3 PLAYWORK qualification is able to be classed in ratios as qualified to supervise 2-4 year olds and/or 22months old ? My gut is telling me no - but can someone please advise. thanks. Sam
- 14 replies
As you know I'm new to Nursery from a Reception class and ratio's and staffing "issues" are a new thing for me! I know the ratio's and I can cope with that bit, but for some reason I cannot for the life of me work out ratio's etc when staff are on lunch and the juggling of staff. Can babies/toddlers have lower staff ratio when sleeping? What about mixing toddlers and babies staff when sleeping? I'm a visual person and I need to see it! I've spent time this weekend trying to work out a visual picture, making charts etc but I keep coming up with a blank! Thankfully the staff are being brill and helping me out but I need to get to grips with this! Does anyone…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
I Could Cry
by Guest- 15 replies
I work in a setting that is open 51 weeks of the year but have term time only children too so from next week will be much quieter so we have begun to put our house in order.This is where the problem lies.In the past we have rotated the toys available to the children while still giving choice within the toys that are out.This year we really went for the children helping themselves as much as possible and having available all resources at all times for them to self select.In over twenty years of working I have never found so many broken,missing bits and pieces and 'trashed'items.The children have not been running riot but are just not looking after resources and the staff d…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Information Please
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all Help please. We are losing the majority of our committee next September (due to their children moving on to big school). No Chair, Secretary or Treasurer!!! and can't recruit any new parents. We have been spoilt with such a keen and hard working committee over the past few years, and now it all looks to change as we only have a couple of mums staying on the committee "just to help out". We had heard that there is something we can do as a Pre School to retain our charitable status, but be managed differently? Parents could solely be there for fundraising, but the Pre School would be owned and run without the management committee of parents - possibly by one or mor…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
by Guest- 5 replies
hi how do you take fees. Im thinking of getting parents to put fees in a envelope with their child's name and amount on and I will give a reciept at the end of the session this will give me more staff on hand in the morning when the children come in.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 28 replies
Just moved from Reception class teacher to Nursery Management and nearly had a heart attack when I discovered that the only break staff get is their lunch break. Loads of questions on this so would appreciate your help before I run in on Monday dishing out breaks left right and centre! 1. Is that legal?? 2. Is that the norm in nursery settings? 3. How long is the lunch break in your setting? 4. If your staff have a morning break- how long is it? 5. How are "breaks" lunch etc financed in your setting? ie Do staff only get paid contact time? And any other information about how you run "breaks" in your setting. My goodness you lot earn your money!
- 16 replies
Hi, more questions i'm afraid!! Does anyone have an administrator working at their setting? If so what does their job entail, what hours do they work, any idea of pay rates? I have just had the brainwave that if i employed someone to deal with the paperwork side of things i could actually get 'back on the floor' with the children and staff to properly monitor what is going on and maybe teach them a few things too! Feeling a little more positive now, there is light at the end of the tunnel!! Many Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
- 6 replies
ok, so reassure, ensure investigation, how much can I say? Can I say that we are putting strategies in place I assume I can't tell her what action I'll be taking, even though she's asked.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Free Milk
by Guest- 5 replies
Please can anyone tell me how to apply for free milk in a pre-school. We are buying it in 6 pint cartons from TESCO at the moment. thank you Sorry have put this in the wrong place, but not sure how to move it!!!!!!!! :
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,