Early Years Setting Management
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- 14 replies
Hi Feelilng very sorry for myself having got over very angry stage (almost!). Have been on receiving end of undeserved wrap on the knuckles from new chair. Feeling especially ******* as have spent even more of my half term than usual on pre-school business (unpaid of course), including Sunday morning and a day and half in the week getting the setting operational after committee decorated the room. New chair has management experience but does not seem to realize that we are barely paid for the work we do, and she cannot speak to or rather email people, ruin what remains of their Sunday, and that we do so much out of goodwill. Replied to her email, sa…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Advice Anyone
by Guest- 14 replies
HI I am so so so STRESSED . My senior team (deputy and senior nursery officer) are driving me crazy. Why is it that they (ok mostly deputy) go out the way to annoy other staff?. just a few examples. Last night (at staff meeting) i mentioned that toddler room bedding was to go in the wash at 2pm, ahead of lunchtime washing so that it had time to dry etc for the following day. so a simple request, everyone else listened and hung back on putting their washing in. But deputy decided to ignore me and put her room's washing in at 1:50, so thus toddlers couldn't wash there's... WHY do this!!!!! Deputy also walked into toddler room today and decided she was …
- 4 replies
has any one got any pictures of the charactors in the mad hatters tea party
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7428, -
Why I Can't Find New Staff!
by Guest- 13 replies
I'm manager of a pre-school, we have been trying to fill a position at the pre-school since september, we advertised, interviewed loads of applicants, offered the job to someone, they said they would like it, had to give a months notice due to start first day back after xmas, she phoned me two days before and said she would rather go and work full time in private day care, so we readvertised, took on someone else, they gave months notice was due to start today but they phoned me Tuesday and said she wasn't feeling to good and the stress of working with small children would make her condition worse so she wouldn't be starting. I'm now back to where i started in September, …
- 8 replies
We have recently been given a recommendation by Ofsted for not having parents written consent permitting us to remove a child for emergency treatment. This is quite easily solved (i think!) by putting out permission slips and ensuring this is included on future enrolement forms, but i'm a bit stumped about how to begin with the written policy/procedure. I would be really grateful if anyone has a procedure i could look at or any advice on what needs to be included. Thanks very much
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2186, -
Keyworker Shifts
by Guest Wolfie- 8 replies
I'm hoping to implement a keyworker system in a nursery over the next few weeks and am trying to identify any possible stumbling blocks before presenting the idea to the staff at a training session; how do you overcome the fact that keyworkers may not see the parents/carers of their children for consecutive days due to staff shifts and rotas? If a child is always dropped off at 8 and their keyworker doesn't start their shift until 10 every day for a week, how do you ensure that communication carries on effectively during that week? Notebooks? Paired keyworkers working opposite shifts? I know it probably works out OK because that keyworker could see the parent/carer…
- 7 replies
I run a large day nursery, open from 7.30 - 6, i currently employ a manager, deputy, senior nursery nurse and nursery nurses and nursery apprentices. As owner i am in the nursery each day for approx 6 hours. The manager has expressed that she would like to work fewer hours, but i don't feel that this would be possible as i need this position to be full time, also i'm not sure that a job share would be the solution. I have decided that it would probably be best if i went back in full time in the role of the manager, but am worried about having enough time to do things like wages, invoicing, marketing and recruitment. Ideally, i would like the senior staff to eac…
Sibling Reductions
by Guest- 9 replies
My nursery currently do not offer sibling reductions, and this is something that I would like to introduce. For those of you who do, how much discount do you offer? Also, when the older sibling leaves, does the younger sibling's fees increase or remain at the discounted rate?
'vip' Programme
by Guest- 2 replies
I recently received a mailshot about VIP, Violence is Preventable (www.violenceispreventable.org.uk). I'll try & summarise what its about! It has been developed and trialled in Dundee. Wee VIP is an abuse prevention programme which introduces personal safety messages to pre-school children with the following aims and objectives: * increase the ability of young children to deal with potent abusive situations * provide resources for teachers to talk to children about being safe *Promote the message 'Say No! Go! Tell!' *Encourage children to see that they have a right to be safe *Identify situations where children feel safe or unsafe *Identify strategies child…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Staff Medication & Sickness 1 2
by Guest- 33 replies
Could I ask what other settings policies are with regards to staff and medication & sickness. i ask because the other day a member of staff took a paracetamol tablet in the nursery room (using water from the tap). Do you think I am right to think this inappropriate, and that medication should not be kept in pockets or bags within the main nursery area (tablets could drop on the floor) and should be taken in staff room or kitchen. Secondly, when a member of staff is taking medication for any reason, should they let the manager know who will record what it is they are taking and how often they need to take it, in order to monitor what actually is consumed (m…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732,