Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
by Guest- 4 replies
hi all, need advice on committee / chairperson vote of no confidence in chairperson. other committee members wish to hold an emergency meeting in regards to chairperson - do they need to tell the chair why? can other parents also write complaints even if not on committee? any idea how we can go about the whole business? the problem is, everyone wants to get rid of her but no one whats to take on the role, so just dont know how to go about it. before you think what a horrible lot we are- im leader of group, have been doing "committee role" for years, but the main thing that has come up is that a member of the public contacted a committee member after our …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Open Days
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Im looking for ideas to run an open day for a day nursery, just wondering if anyone had any special ideas or experiences of particular good open days they have run/visted. Cheers
Staff Hours
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I'm finding this site very useful and was wondering if I could pick everyone's brains. We are a day nursery and are open from 8-6. staff shifts are 8-5 or 9-6, but as the nursey is open 8-6 the children can come at any time between these times (are you with me so far?) The problem us on a day to day basis we have to try and predict the number and ages of chuldren who will be arriving before 9 and get staff on the 9'0clock shift to come in early to cover this so we maintain nursery ratio's. Any time that the staff do outside of their normal hours is classed as overtime which they take as time back when the nursery is quite or for appointments etc, or is paid to t…
Staff Rotas
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone Really enjoying the site and starting to learn now how it all works. I am in the process of updating and changing our staff rotas. We have three areas in our nursery (large church hall) that a member of staff is assigned into each day. Was wondering if anyone has any examples/formats they would share or jobs they include in the staff plans. i can't think of another way of doing ours and thought that somone maybe able to open my mind up a little to a new more efficient way of doing our staff plans! Thanks
Staff Contracts
by Guest- 23 replies
Hi I wondered if anybody out there had had any experiences of changing staff contracts. We are a committee run pre-school, we wanted to change the staff contracts so they came in at 8.30-8.45am and worked till 3.15pm. so as to aid what we need to do to meet gov's 10 yr strategy and to allow for setting up time and putting away time etc Problem is we have had a mixed response as to whether we are allowed to do this. A committee member seeked advice from his legal advisors at his company and ACAS who say yes we can change contracts as long as we give enough notice, inform them about what we want to do etc. but lawcall say we cannot change the contracts and we should emp…
Peer Observations
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello Has anyone started doing peer observations on their staff? We are waiting for some training before we start as we do not want to do them wrong! If anyone has done them how have you found them? Have they been helpful or caused unneeded problems? Any info would be great as a bit clueless where these are invoved.
Staff Hours
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, can anyone help please. We are a private day nursery and staff have had regular working hours for quite a while now, however, we now have to change these working hours as the ratios during the day have changed and this is causing a few problems. Do we have to give a certain amount of notice to the staff before the changes can take place? We have given three weeks notice but are not sure if this is sufficient. Thanks teenytiny
Every Child Matters
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, I don't know how i've managed to do this, but i've worked in a day nursery for the past 3 years in a management position and have somehow never heard of ever child matters until very recently! Now every thing i read refers to this and i just wondered where I could find out more info, and how I incoporate it in the day to day running of the nursery. I'd really appreciate any feedback. Many thanks
Private Nurseries - Sickness Cover
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello I'm just wondering how other private nurseries deal with staff sickness at short notice. Do you re organise from within and manage or do you always get cover staff, what if this isn't available to you? What would you do? I generally dont have this happen to often but there was a situation the other day where I had no cover staff as it was cover staff calling in sick. In the end I managed but was wondering how other people cope to see if I could have done more. Nic
- 2 replies
thought a reminder that the minimum wage is increasing again in October (6% increase)...started looking when commitee asked about wage rates etc for Sept. Inge