Early Years Setting Management
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- 4 replies
Hi Our setting is coming up to 3 years since last inspected. I though I could prepare and support staff by every now and then going in and asking questions. What would you ask???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
- 40 replies
Do you require your staff to register for the update service and who pays the £13 per year. Do you go on regularly to make sure they are up to date?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 7 replies
Hi all After a discussion I had at work which continued with my parents when I got home. My mum had seen on tv, David Cameron stating that they are wanting pre-schools to move into school premises in the near future. This meaning that our little 2year olds will be in school! Now, I don't know about you but I feel that with all the recent changes (e.g. prevent duty and fundamental british values as well as changes to ofsted inspections etc.) and added workload for nursery and pre-school providers, the government and ofsted I believe are trying to get our little local pre-schools closed. Myself and my staff feel that we should write to David Cameron stating our con…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19802, -
- 3 replies
Hi all With all the new information on fundamental british values, I am just getting round to working on it (shameful I know but lots of thing happening lately!). Do you think its enough to make a scrapbook type book to go on our parents table with pictures etc so show how we promote the british values in our setting? I would do a display but we are limited on display space and I feel the children's work is better on display so they can see it. Any advice welcome :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55063, -
- 16 replies
I'm chair of a committee run pre-school, running as a CIO. I am going to be stepping down in the next few months, and while I know the committee can run without a chair I'm not sure about nominated person. Right now that is me, but what happens if we don't find someone to replace me as nominated person? Can the manager do it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 26 replies
Bit of a dilemma, a parent made a complaint to Ofsted 15 months ago which resulted in an inspection and the obvious stress that bring. Although complaints are supposed to be confidential the inspector asked questions which made it very obvious. The inspection went well but hardly the point as the parent rocked up yesterday asking for a place for her 2 year old. We are currently full so I said we did not have room until January, half hoping that would put her off. On top of all the above her sister placed her daughter with us the left with no notice in 2 weeks so we couldn't claim funding and were left out of pocket. My dilemma is do I mention that I know they made a co…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25678, -
- 14 replies
We do try to have a number of each resource but children always want what someone else has got! I ask children to say 'can I have ........ after you' and then wait. It works well and children do get a turn. I do encourage the child to find something else to play with while they are waiting. I have explained this to staff and expect them to carry out the same message. Yet again today, I heard the garden staff say 2 minutes to change over on the bikes. I just don't think this is real life and doesn't allow the children to negotiate with peers. If I was using something I would like to be told my time was up in 2 minutes. Children don't end up with extended p…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37203, -
- 10 replies
Hi One of our parents went to drop her older child at school this morning and said to the teacher that her little one will be starting next September, the teacher then asked how old she is (4 in June next year) and the teacher replied saying children won't be starting school until they are 5 so it will be the year after! Has anyone else heard anything like this?? We are based in Leicestershire and I haven't heard anything like it. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37203, -
- 10 replies
We have a child just started whose parents have made a conscious decision not to immunise their child . Should we be worried about this? Not really sure there is anything I can do about it what would you do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Prompt and regular attendance
by Guest- 14 replies
Just wondered if managers are speaking to parents about this given that we are supposed to be seen to be encouraging this? How are you intending on showing that you are? Just verbally or more formally? Difficult as att3ndance not mandatory like school. I have two situations currently. Last term child attended 69% of time with lots of odd days off sick. This term he has been off sick for a week, then his mum and she said she couldnt get him to pre-school. Then he was off yesterday again as he had a late night the night before and she couldn't get him up. Second one is a child that attends nursery two days and us two mornings. Mum loves nursery but uses us as she wants ch…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268,