Early Years Setting Management
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- 8 replies
Hi all We have moved premises over the summer. In our new room, we have the toilets adjoined to the room. However, the kitchen isn't. We have to go out of the double doors and the kitchen is along a short hallway. Others users will be using the building whilst we are there (double doors are secured so others users have no access to the children). Is anyone else's setting like this? Ofsted were happy with the situation at the registration visit. She asked about storing lunches and I said we have purchased a fridge for our use to store them. The other problem is now we are running out of storage space to put the fridge! Do others store lunches in the fridge? I'm not to…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19135, -
- 21 replies
Hi everyone....can you please help me...my staff by law are entitled to 20day hols plus bank hols so 28 in total.....but nearing the end of the summer hols.....with staff taking any spare days before we resume totally full status..lol However do u keep their hols as 20 of any days or 4 mons,4 tue,4 wed,4 thu,4 fri. I have updated their hols and found one member of staff only has mons and fris,,,,which i wiuld love a long weekend....but it means that to bring cover staff in on those days (after 4 mons have been used)I am in effec) paying double wages to keep within ratio....would appreciate your opinions thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 11 replies
Hello, How should I manage the little things that cause bigger problems? Staff training days were implemented after I started, not in contracts or policies and in the beginning everyone was attending for the paid hours. Now two terms in, I struggle to get staff to come in, do you all have everything in writing and in a policy to cover these types of difficulties or should i just say I'm not happy and the expectation is that we all attend??? How do I cover this in supervision? If plans for their adult led time or their next steps or their reports haven't been received by myself when I have requested them what can I do??? I am managed by a committee, I'm not…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
Feeling Overwhelmed! 1 2
by Guest- 2 followers
- 47 replies
When I took this job on last summer, I was under no illusion that I would have my holidays completely free to spend with my children. However, I had no idea just how much there is to do in the holidays in terms of admin work and preparation for next term! I am feeling totally overwhelmed at the moment, as time is running out to get it all done, but I still need to be here for my kids. My 'to do' list is getting longer, and I've just managed to waste an hour of my life ordering all our art and craft stuff for the new term only to find at the checkout I have to apply for an account (which will probably be refused - then what?!) and I could have spent that hour much mor…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Just looking to clarify a query about ratios. So in my 2 year olds room I have 8 children - requiring two members of staff. One is level 3 qualified - in line with the statutory guidance does the other need to be level 2 or can they be unqualified and training towards a level 2? Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
by Guest- 4 replies
A quick question,can people who are employed as an apprentice be a key worker, she is working towards a level 2 ?
- 12 replies
A little light reading for the summer hols! Teaching-and-play-in-the-early-years-a-balancing-act.pdf
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 7 replies
After another year of unpaid bills, parents wanting refunds or to swop days if their child is ill, on holiday or we are closed for training etc I am looking at the possibility of a formal contract for parents to sign. Our current registration form includes permission for photos, local visits, first aid etc but nothing to clarify the above. We do have a non payment of fees policy and they sign to agree to the policies but I feel I need something more concrete, making it clear to parents what we do and don't do. Am I being too authoritarian? Or is this something other people do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43044, -
- 7 replies
Never have I crashed back to reality after 2 lovely weeks away with the family so quickly. Barely unpacked and my deputy could hold the news no longer, Ofsted had visited us again, 4th time in 2 years. We are only running holiday club for 2 days a week but the Inspector called by 'just in case'! She only stayed an hour but bombarded my deputy with questions. She has asked that I ring her on Monday and send some paperwork my deputy couldn't find in her panic. I am worried as the inspector was not happy that we didn't have allocated keypersons for the 8 children in attendance and don't do observations etc. We only open to help our working parents but I will be seriously r…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
H&S and Designated Person
by Guest- 4 replies
Hoping someone will know the answer! The manager of our pre-school has left, and she was our designated person and H&S officer. My question is, do we need to get our new manager trained up prior to September start, or is it enough to have her booked on training in November, which is the soonest our LA offer training for these, otherwise we need to book online courses.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23964,