Early Years Setting Management
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- 9 replies
Hi All, Im in need of a training policy. Can you please give me some examples as to what you do with regard to pay and provision of training. I email out the brochure and let staff pick a course, however as prices are going up and everyone loves a course I need to now reign it in as we have gone from 3 staff to 10! So I was thinking will pay for course and staff hours on course if it is a course needed to do your job, first aid, SENCo etc. But for a course that they just want to do I would pay for course but not time. What do you do at your settings? thank you as always xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 8 replies
My main point is that parents are asking can the no juice rule be dropped ?My view is absolutely not they argue they would use sugar free juice but in my eyes this is worse but I can't obviously bring in my personal opinion, so.....how would you reply?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_46159, -
General Acronyms
by Guest- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi It's my fist time posting but I thought I would share my list of acronyms I created for my staff. We have recently carried out some very good training and during the course the trainer used some acronyms. I observed the staff and some looked confused and blank, after a discussion with them it highlighted that they didn't know what the acronyms meant, so the list was created. I wanted to share this as I'm sure my staff are not the only ones and I assumed staff knew what they all meant (Bad on my part) - food for thought "Do we share new acronyms with staff, when there are changes to government policy, local changes and outside agency support? Please let me k…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22029, -
- 11 replies
Hi all I have a member of staff (level 6) who is consistently not keeping standards in her files. To be honest her practice isn't great either but that is another issue. I have put lots in place to support, checking her files in moderation process twice a term and still the point I pull out she just doesn't DO. It has got to the point where she set her one deadline of today to have three files ready and to standard. She had the reports I had done on each file to work from plus some verbal hints and tips. I got a message last night saying could she have an extension. I basically explained that these files should have been completed by parents open day March …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 19 replies
I am leaving nursery this year and my senior nursery nurse wants to make a bid for running our school nursery , which she has run before, when you didn't need a teacher in there. So she is a level 3 nursery nurse, paid at the top of the scale as she has worked at the school in nursery for about 18 years. She does not have A levels or a degree. If she said she was willing to become an early years teacher, how would she do that? Is that qualification enough for running a school nursery??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Joining a union
by Guest- 3 replies
Can anyone recommend a union, I'm looking into joining one and would love some feedback on experiences with unions etc Thank you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22029, -
- 8 replies
Hi We have been interviewing and our director told someone at an interview that she would get paid the same as an unqualified member of staff as she only has Level 2 & 3 in Health & Social Care. Im sure they can be counted as a level 3 and be paid the same as other level 3s in our setting? I would be very grateful if anyone knows or could link me to somewhere so i can show my director.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55778, -
- 9 replies
I mean this as exactly as it says on the tin! Does every setting need to have an EYT or is it just good practice to have one?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19135, -
Parents saving journals
by Guest- 1 reply
Does anyone know if it is possible for parents to download the journals at the end of the year or do I download to a PDF and put on a memory stick for the parents to print out if they want? Thanks
Last reply by Steve, -
- 37 replies
Do you think it's appropriate to use EYPP to pay for meals? We collect our mid-day meal from the local primary school and parents pay £2.30 per meal. We are a full daycare setting but have many children who only use their free entitlement with us. Many of these families struggle to pay for a hot lunch (they do have the option of bringing a packed lunch) and we often end up out of pocket as children leave having not paid for their lunches. So I was thinking I could offset the cost of the meals with the EYPP. What do you think? Do you think I would need to offer eligible parents the choice of free meals?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120,