Year 2 teacher discussions
Following requests from year 2 teachers teaching upper KS1 using FS approaches, we're making this forum available to help with discrete year 2 subjects.
60 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Thank you Steve for giving us the opportunity to share thoughts on creative planning and approaches to year 2! If anyone is already teaching year 2 in this way i would be really keen to share practise and planning, if you are like me and going to teach year 2 for the first time in september, perhaps we could get going on swapping of ideas etc. Kellsa
- 10 replies
If you do this, how does it work please? Marion, are you working in this way within your yr 2 class?
Convincing Staff
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. I am trying to bring the FS ethos up from reception through into years 1 and 2. So far the Y1 teacher has really taken onboard my ideas and has continuous play activities set up in their room, which they are using well. However the y2 teacher is very anti. He says that play will lower standards (which did need raising when he started, but....) He also has been out of the classroom for the last 6 years, so may y2 was less play based then (I don't know I was in the juniors then). I was wondering if anyone knew of any advise out there that I could give him to help convince him as I feel I am fighting a loosing battle, but am …
- 3 replies
I'm moving to Y2 in Sept after 10 years in Foundation mixed with a bit of Y1 7 years ago. I've never taught Y2. My only experience is in my first year of teaching practise when I taught small groups. It's a bit scary bit very exciting too, especially as I'll be teaching last years class again. I'm keen to introduce some continuous provision and would be interested in hearing from people who have managed to do this in their school. Would anyone be willing to take some photos of their CP areas? Also has anyone got any tips for me in my move?
Multiples Of Ten
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello there! I am a student currently on my last placement- eekk!! I am having so much fun but always struggle with maths. One of my areas this term i addition leading to double digit numbers with carrying. I have my lesson ideas planned but I am struggling with multiples of ten and need some advice from the experts. I am planning on recaping 10 with single digits e.g. 10 +7, 10+4 etc. What is the best way to teach this to the children tho? I know it is a recap and they will know what to do but I don't know how to explain this concept. I have all my games in place for after the learning, it is just the main teaching points I need advice with....please. What is th…
- 20 replies
- 6.8k views Has been dropped from the education bill so won't now become law
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Was reading through the thread and saw someone else's idea to share our challenge ideas.: Play with the ice teddy. Make a list of other toys you think will freeze if we put in the freezer. Write a shopping list, find your toys and buy them, using the right money. Shopping list Write your news. News Make up a story using the animals in the sand tray. Tell it to a friend. Count all of the ‘full stops’ on a page of a non-fiction book. Draw a diagram of a model. Make sure it has labels and you count all of the pieces you will need. Draw your favourite present. Make a model of it.
Phase 5 Letters And Sounds
by Guest- 0 replies
Anyone got any exciting ways to teach pronunciation of different graphemes: Phase 5, week 5+ Feeling extemely uninspired how to teach the difference between fin and find, cat and cent etc?? Im ok for the teaching input but would be great for the children to do some fun applying activities! All I can think of is silly sentence reading, getting them to use other strategies to decide whether it's a long or short vowel pronun. Anyone c=teaching this at the mo?? )
- 10 replies
Hi, I am a foundation stage teacher in my 2nd year but my head has asked that I now track progress from reception to end of KS1. And to be honest I have no idea! My school are very hot on using APPs for literacy and numeracy and coming from foundation stage, it seems great, the perfect step on my the profile. However, with the profile I am used to tracking all areas of learning but the APP only covers lit and num. My school seems to have poor/almost non existance assessment system for the foundation subjects and I am not really sure what or where the assessment scales should be taken from for KS1 - can anyone help? I realise this is probably quite a basic thing to as…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
I'm leaving EYFS behind and moving to Y2 with instructions to make it creative and exciting