Learning differences – SEND
88 topics in this forum
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Stephen talks with Emily Lees and Kerry Murphy about the importance of the language that we use, everyday examples of ableism and how we can be an ally for neurodivergent children. You can listen here.
Last reply by Jules, -
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Catherine McLeod MBE, CEO of Dingley's Promise, returns to the FSF /Tapestry podcast, covering current issues within the early years sector for children with SEND. You can listen here.
Last reply by Jules, -
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Ben and Jules chat with Jack, Activity Team Leader at Chestnut Tree House, a children's hospice in West Sussex. Jack tells us about some of the experiences the children and families have during their stay. You can listen to the podcast here.
Last reply by Jules, -
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We previously used the age/stage of the old EYFS to show where children with SEND need support for funding and for supporting EHCP applications. I would really like to know how other settings are using the the SEND or Cherry Tree to support Funding/EHCP applications. Thank you ☺️
Last reply by Stephen, -
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Hi, sorry to bother you all. Can anyone point me in the right direction please. I need to find some information about Bedford Boroughs Health Hub, and contact number etc would be great. I can’t seem to find what I am looking for. Thanks sam
Last reply by AnonyMouse_63259, -
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In this podcast Stephen is joined by Catherine McLeod and Liz Pemberton to discuss the differences between ‘inclusion’ and ‘belonging’, how excluded children from minoritised ethnic groups with SEND can become in the Early Years and the importance of high quality training for Early Years Professionals on the subject of anti-racism.
Last reply by Jules, -
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This podcast is a chat with Jannah Hayah, who shares all about learning Makaton with her son, Musa, how communication is not just about words, and what adults need to remember when working with children with Downs Syndrome. We learned so much from this conversation with Jannah.
Last reply by Jules, -
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Hi there, I am an EY teacher in a mainstream school, and SENCO. We are looking to start using either the Tapestry SEND or Cherry Garden assessment framework for our children with SEND. Our children have a range of needs, some quite complex, and some with spiky profiles. I am interested to hear people's experiences of using either, or both assessment systems? Thank you! Also, if using the Tapestry SEND framework is it still possible to generate next steps for a pupil? To be used alongside teacher judgement? For some our children with more complex needs and smaller steps, it is a learning journey for class teachers too! Finally, I saw in a previous thread, which…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_100272, -
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Hi can anyone help with this question please? Describe the difficulties surrounding the diagnosis of autism in relation to the range of different diagnoses in the spectrum.
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
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Have a listen to this podcast with Joanna Grace, founder of The Sensory Projects. Joanna discusses the importance of knowing how to use the sensory resources you have, being reflective in your practice, how to listen with all your senses, and why the best sensory resources are tailored to the individual child.
Last reply by Jules,