Learning differences – SEND
88 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
How do you support your staff who are working with children with SEN? I was thinking of putting a folder of useful info for them. Do you do this and what do you put in? (Hope that makes sense?)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 6 replies
The BBC Health news have today published the research findings of a study led by Prof Jonathan Green from the University of Manchester. Prof Green's results have been published in the Lancet, but the BBC article is very readable and accessible. I know we have got some specialist on the forum .. do you have any experience of this? let us about it! 'Super-parenting' improves children's autism - BBC news report
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 1 reply
FYI Professor Ferre Laevers uses a 5 point scale to measure a child's well-being and involvement to assess the level of learning that is taking place. A consistent low level of well-being and involvement will raise the chance of a child's development being threatened. As the level of well-being and involvement is raised the learning increases. When a consistent high level of well-being and involvement is recorded the practitioner knows that a deep level of learning is taking place. The Leuven Well-being and Involvement scales were developed by a team based at the Research Centre for Experiential Education (Leuven university - Belgium) under the supervision of Prof…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 4 replies
I know this may not be something used with the age group we usually cover but does anyone have any information on this scale or experience of using it? I would like to help parent of an eleven year old boy to understand whether or how this may help her son.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
I came across this article on Twitter - I am glad I did as I learnt so much in the 1/2 hour it took me to read it properly. I am not a SEND specialist but in my career I have worked with children with wide-ranging needs. This research article showed me that sometimes my responses to children 'making a run for it' have not been helpful. I am sure that there are lots of effective strategies for managing this behaviour, but this one made sense to me and was extremely well explained and exemplified. I am going to share this article with colleagues at nursery and see if we can discuss and understand the behaviour management theories shared. It will give us a head start if we…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 13 replies
A firm of solicitors regularly used by LAs to represent them in SEND tribunals has betrayed their appalling attitude to children with additional needs and their families on Twitter this weekend. They are well known amongst parents of children with additional needs for their dreadful tactics and willingness to win cases at all costs. If you can find a little time to message your local councillor and ask for reassurance that they will not be employing this firm to represent them in tribunals in the future, a lot of parents will have reason to be grateful to you. It's hard enough trying to care for children with additional needs without having to contend with professi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
SEND Provision Map
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi, does anyone have a template for a provision map that they could share with me ? I have been asked to send a copy of our Provision Map to our SEND team, but i cannot find one :unsure: I don't even know what should be included on one ! should it be specific to the child with SEND or is it a setting as a whole and how we support all the children with SEND. I am going round in circles trying to google it and have also looked on Lancashire's website with no luck, hoping someone on here will know what I am talking about :rolleyes: Thanks, Linda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 3 replies
Our local authority recently 'sold' the early years department to Babcock International - loads of people were made redundant and we knew there would be a significant impact. However, this week I contacted the Inclusion Team to request a visit from Sen advisor to visit (with parent's permission) to offer advice and support with a new child. I was appalled to hear that the SEN advisor will only visit if the child is already on Pre-School Forum - the only way to access that for this little boy is via SALT who have a minimum 18 week waiting list - I have referred him but I know it will be more than 18 weeks - this means it will be well into the Autumn Term before he sees SAL…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25678, -
- 9 replies
This is an article on the Special Needs Jungle website about how some LAs are trying to abdicate their responsibility to write effective EHCPs. http://www.specialneedsjungle.com/great-ehcp-swindle/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=socialnetwork
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 6 replies
Anyone?? This is a course on the Kent website, do they really mean G&T rather than GRT??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,