Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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British Fundamental Values
by Guest- 2 followers
- 15 replies
Hi, Did any pre-school make a policy for the British Fundamental Values? One of my colleagues said you need to make a policy for it, is this true? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268, -
- 12 replies
Hello everyone I am looking for some tips and advice! In September we had a new intake of 2s into our 2-3 room, 4 or 5 of these children took a little while to settle in. Since September there has been a member of staff leave (there are only 2 - 3 staff in the room) which has caused things to be a little unsettled for the children as we have had to use supply staff. Because of this the new intake of 2s and the 4 or 5 children who struggled to settle are now a little bit all over the place! Although rules, boundaries and structure is enforced the staff are struggling as the children will not sit down at group time for a story or songs, they aren't playing properly…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 13 replies
I'm sure i used to have an ofsted document that listed all the sorts of records you have to keep but can't find it anywhere. Searching the government website is useless so i'm hoping one of you lovely people will know what i'm on about and either put a link on here or tell me exactly what it is called so i can google it. Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, Who has the list of the monitoring records that should be taken place in the nursery like tracking, risk assessment, communication, would like to know what other settings actually monitor on a monthly weekly daily annually or quarterly basis
Last reply by AnonyMouse_59225, -
- 14 replies
Hi I am just looking at updated our policies and have seen, collected and read a lot of information on the prevent duty. May sound stupid but I'm not sure where or how exactly to fit it in to our safeguarding policy? Does it need to be in any others? I use the PLA policies but for some reason it will not recognise my code to see updates. We currently have 35 policies to update and I'm so confused! ANY advice is most welcome
Last reply by AnonyMouse_49577, -
- 11 replies
Does anyone have one please? I'm doing one ready for tomorrow and got the obvious risks of falling while carrying - they won't be walking around with them cutting themselves etc - I'll be with them, they'll wear gloves etc hurting others - we'll be in a space 1:1 What else do I need to add - I'm sure there is LOADS more lol!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23964, -
- 2 replies
Hi all...we are updating our policies and wondered where I could find an up to date Special Needs Policy before trawling thru the internet.Thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31953, -
- 17 replies
Hi, not sure if its too late but for anyone who needs some help with this but oxfordshire.gov.uk have a great piece on this -just put in oxfordshire.go.uk prevent and british values - sorry dont know how to link but it is well worth a look -it gives the four ofsted grades-outstanding etc., and what they would expect to see/hear for each one under the effectiveness of leadership and management quality of teaching,learning and assessment personal development, behaviour and welfare hope its helpful to someone
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39998, -
Observations on tablets
by Guest- 1 reply
Is anyone else using tablets to carry out observations? If so do you have a policy for the use of tablets in the setting? I cant seem to find any on google, so I was hoping some one would be kind enough to share their policy :-) Hope someone can help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19802, -
- 23 replies
We have a grassed area and a paved area. Uesterday it was torrential and the grass was like a Marsh so we used our covered area only even so our floor inside wooden was filthy and this included our rugs ? we have big mats and get children to wipe our feet but this isn't going to cut it! The children also in general come to thr setting with muddy shoes from their walk to us. How does everyone tackle this , a change of shoes for inside ? Wellie boots ? Slippers ? Changing shoes seems like such a mass job especially for our 2 year olds and we have free access to thr outdoors so would be a nightmare . I'd love to have just no shoes inside but we have a wooden floor no n…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602,