Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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Policy Help
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi I have a list of policies to research for my CCLD and they don't match the ones we have. Parental Permission we have forms we send out for photos, trips details but how can a policy be based around forms? Hygeine I have searched the forum and come up with a lot on potties which we currently don't have and I know about gloves and aprons and handwashing and cleaning the area and disposal what else could a hygeine policy possibly contain?
- 3 replies
Does anybody have this or similar policy? I would be very grateful for any pointers!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42775, -
- 2 replies
Hi I have been asked to update our curriculum policy and was wondering if anyone would consider sharing theirs for some inspiration. A very hopeful Thank you x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
Teaching And Learning
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Does anyone have a teaching and learning policy i could look at please? A hopeful thank you!
- 4 replies
I have almost got the website ready for Pre-school and I would like to have some photos of children on it. At present parents sign a form to give permission for me to take photos of their child whilst at Pre-school. They sign this when they first start. These photos go into the leaving album when the children go off to school. Also permission is sought when staff do course work and might need a photo of children at play and also when I use photos in our Prospectus. Separate permission is sought if photos are going into the local newspaper. Being on a website is quite a bit different. Does anyone use photos on their website - if so, how did you word your permission gran…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 0 replies
Happy New Year! to all members. Hope you have all had a lovely and relaxing holiday, and looking forward to the Spring Term. My new role is Head of Department (only 7 weeks in post). I hope someone out there can help me. I would really appreciate any ideas or samples of a policy for Foundation/KS1 and any aims/vision that reflect the new EYFS. Just launching on the journey to implement the new EYFS so any advise from any experiences that colleagues may have endured during the journey of change will be appreciated. Kind regards Chali Bear
Operational Plan ?
by Guest MaryEMac- 6 replies
We didn't have an operational plan, mainly because I refused to waste money and resources copying everything. Last week at our inspection this subject came up as it had been a reccomendation at our last inspection. I explained my feelings to the inspector and she said that there is no need to have massive files for the plan. She told me that it could all go on 2 pieces of paper that could be pinned on the noticeboard. We have all the paperwork in the playgroup so on these 2 pieces of paper we state where they can all be found. Sorted . I must admit that this operational plan had concerned me but I feel happier about doing it this way. Mary
- 6 replies
Hello I have just set up a new private playgroup we have 41 children on the books and I have just finished the task of writing polices. Does any one know if policies need to be signed by someone. Also do you give a copy of your polices to every parent. thanks angela
Nappy/changing Policy
by Guest- 16 replies
Ok, so I've even written a birthday policy so that sweets aren't handed out or cakes or anything that could cause a complaint or allergy,(am I going nuts here?!) but...nappies-help! When our pre-school moves we will be in one room. The toilets will be adjacent and they have 2 x cubicles. I was recently told we shouldn't have a drop down nappy changer and should use a mat on the floor, but how can we put a mat on the floor of the toilets? It doesn't seem to be hygenic. Should we purchase a screen and have an area within the room for changing nappies or should we have blinds fitted for privacy and use the entrance foyer? Any ideas are more than welcome.…
- 7 replies
Hi I am in the process of having to make up a policy for minimum working temperature and the procedure if the temperature within the setting drops below 16c. Does anyone by chance have a policy that covers this? Any help would be great. Thank You