Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
Policies For Parents
by Guest- 4 replies
I would like to say that I am in the process of updating the policies, but in actual fact I am writing them from scratch - as there was 1 when I took over as manager (!!??!!). I have started a Parent's Policy file which they can access at any time, and give out copies of relevant ones with newsletters, etc. I want to ensure that new parents get copies of policies. How do people ensure that their parents get copies? Do you give out bound copies? Any ideas greatly received!
Child Protection Policy
by Guest- 2 replies
Am just in the process of doing the section in our Child Protection Policy on allegations or suspicsions against a staff member. I have rang the local authority so many times today, that I don't want to bother them any further with yet another question - which is a shame as they have been SO helpful. If a staff member gets suspended due to a criminal enquiry, is it the manager's responsibility to contact someone to say that they are unfit to work with children, or is this done by the local authority? I know that we have to inform Ofsted and the Early Years Team, but do we have to inform anyone else? What is the name of the List that they go on? I just ran…
Silly Question, Shoes
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi all, Hope you are enjoying half term hols. Was just asking where do you people who are on their feet all day buy your shoes from, my feet hurt at the end of the day and am looking for comfy and stylish shoes. Don't want dowdy shoes though. I know it's a bizarre question, but please giv advice. Thanks Flowerxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Involving And Consulting Children Policy
by Guest Wolfie- 13 replies
We've been asked to come up with this policy whilst working towards a quality mark award - has anyone already got one that they would be willing to share? Many thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 5 replies
In light of events this last week we are going to rewrite out policy in this area to make it more defined rather than being part of our behaviour policy , have read past posts and others seem to have written these but not found any examples, or idea of how to wrod it effectively. Anyone any examples they are illing to share or ideas on what should be in this, we have some idea but more input and experiences all gratefully recieved, many thanks Inge
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Contingency Plan
by Guest- 7 replies
Does anyone have a written Contingency Plan that I could look at, for if staff are off sick, etc? We discussed it at our staff meeting tonight but wanted to put something into writing. Thanks
Child Protection Policy
by Guest Wolfie- 3 replies
We're in the process of reviewing and tweaking our Child Protection policy. One area that we're wondering whether we've got absolutely clear is what would happen in the event that an allegation of abuse was made against a member of staff. Basically what it says at the moment is that after every effort had been made to resolve the situation informally, in case the allegation was just down to a simple misunderstanding, the member of staff would be suspended on full pay whilst an investigation was carried out byt the Manager and/or the Area Child Protection Committee. Is that what other people have written? And have you got the procedure just written in text or have y…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495, -
Advice Please
by Guest- 13 replies
A parent came in today and complained about a member of my team. The parent said that when she collected her child s/he was sat on the staff members knee and that this made her feel very uncomfortable, she added that she had never felt like this before and although she wasnt making any suggestion of inappropriate behaviour by the staff member she needed to air her view. Obviously i had to inform the member of staff who was devastated and explained that the child had clambered upon her knee which she didnt see as a problem. Later in the day the member of staff came to me and said the comments has knocked her confidence with this child and that she felt vunrable and open t…
Missing Child Procedure
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, does anyone have a fromal written emergency procedure for a child going missing? In Sheffield we have all been asked to fill out a risk assessment form for the LEA that includes this. Any ideas anyone? Thanks, Amy
Key Policies And Procedures
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello! My first bit of FD homework already (only started last night) and I'm here already asking for your help!!! I was wondering, out of all the various policies and procedures each setting has, which one(s) would you consider to be the most important?? I have to do research on this so any thoughts anybody has would be really helpful! Also, how do you know which policies and procedures you need? Is there a place you need to go to find out (book, website etc) or are they dictated by Ofsted? Thanks!