Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 4 replies
I have read through all the updates on Safeguarding as I have been renewing that policy this afternoon, and looked at the inspection handbook and there is mention of a Staff Behaviour Policy! Really??? .... we don't have to have a behaviour policy for children (I do though) yet we need one for staff? What kind of things need to be on that, which aren't obvious?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19802, -
- 15 replies
Hi Does anyone from a committee run preschool have a reserves policy they are willing to share?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10355, -
- 10 replies
i really need help - i have / am updating our policies using psla but am really confused on 10.10 - information sharing which states - we ensure our parents receive information about our information policy when starting their child at setting and sign to say they understand circumstances in which information may be shared without their consent.this will only be when it is a matter of safeguarding a child have information about our safeguarding children and child protection policy have information about other circumstances when information will be shared with external agencies,for example, with regard to any sen the child may have or transition to school…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13457, -
- 5 replies
I have just updated our 'Administering Medicines' policy based on the PLA and realised our medicine forms are a little out of date and don't have everything the PLA says should be on there. Would anyone be willing to share theirs please? Do you use the PLA's medicine recording book? I am no longer a member of the PLA.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8885, -
- 8 replies
Is there a definitive list of the policies required by Ofsted? I have searched the forum but can't find a definitive answer - also searched on line and found a company who claims to supply the required policies but their list includes Behaviour Policy which our latest inspector told us we didn't need. We currently have in excess of 25 which ridiculous as staff can't possibly be expected to know inside out.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25678, -
administering of creams
by Guest- 28 replies
Hi need some advice I have a parent who wants aveeno cream put on her child as he has eczema and this helps, does the cream have to be prescribed ? In our policy it just states about prescribed medicines.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
- 6 replies
all of you who are looking to complete the "Prevent" policy this site might help - sorry don't know how to do a link :0( www.foundationyears.org.uk/files/.../Fundamental_British_Values.pdf
- 11 replies
I annually get staff to sign a health and suitability declaration form including the above title question and have never had anyone tick 'yes' so my question is that if a member of staff comes back saying that a partner for example has received a caution/conviction etc what is the next step from there? I'm assuming it is to contact ofsted? has anyone had this happen? Many thanks
- 1 reply
Hello, i wondered if anyone could offer some advice. We are due our Ofsted registration visit for our full day outdoor childcare provision-7.30-6.30 and all we have for indoor space is a yurt with electricity. Any tips on what documents to have prepared for registration visit in general would be VERY welcome! Anything specific to outdoor education/nature kindergarten/forest school would be very welcome. Even a simple check list of things to have ready would be useful-I feel like we have so much going on that I cannot keep track of everything so a master list would be great
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
- 12 replies
Right! Heading towards tick number 4 from this holiday's to do list. Review and publish policiesOk so i have made a start but have become a little stuck on our Equality and Diversity policy. I've checked our LA's advice but they do not seem to have one. I am guessing that Equality and Diversity is so embedded in practice now that I would find reference to it in almost all policies anyway. Does anyone have a separate policy like me?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396,