Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
Completing Accident Books
by Guest- 13 replies
just a quick question, when do you fill in your accident books? do you do it after the accident has happened, at the end of the session? the reason i ask is because the other day, i noticed a member of staff filling out the book in the session time (other staff dealing with injured child), which left me the only member of staff with the children. as the accident had happened on the slide, this area was then left with no supervision while they were "form filling" i know the end of the session can be quite hectic, and it could be forgoten later, but is their an eaiser way of doing it. although im the leader, and feel this could be part of my job to do paper…
Dfes Updated Information Found
by Guest- 6 replies
Don't know if this will be of any interest to anyone but I have just come across this piece of information on the DFES website and thought I would share it with everyone. This has been taken from the Children's Workforce Strategy which is a consultation document about the Government's plans to create and support a world-class children's workforce. The strategy is open for consultation until 22 July 2005 and they welcom comment on the Children's Workforce Strategy. Sorry to be the boring one Hope someone finds it of use Live Consultations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early years regulations We are …
- 1 reply
Saw code of conduct regarding physcial contact on here somewhere and now can't seem to find it can anyone help. Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 7 replies
Hello girlies has any kind sole got a check list they could let me see/copy for new staff inductions, was told it was good pratice to have one...and i havnt!! Thankyou in advance
Risk Assessment Daily Form
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello, Can anyone out there help me with this. I have been asked to devise a daily risk assessment form for my preschool, on discussion with my LEA/PLA inspection and my leader. We were thinking of doing a laminated tick chart showing M-F with check list areas to mark daily when risk assessed (like in the toilet checked charts in places like macdonalds etc!!!). Any ideas what I should include? Brain dead as am being a parent this week as easter hols!!!! thanxs kizzy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
Hi We have a policy for children not being picked up but what do you do if you have been informed that the child will be picked up but the carer will be late? This has happened to us a few times, mainly because the childs sibling has had to be rushed into hospital so we have to be sensitive about how we handle it. However, we finish our morning session at 12.30 and we are not paid after that for set up and pack away time so effectively we are looking after a child during which we are not paid. Also to make things worse I am a TA in the school we are attached to in the afternoons and I start work there at 1.00pm so If 2 members of staff (one of which has to…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_63, -
Staff Handbooks
by Guest- 6 replies
I hope this doesn't open a can of worms!! I was recommended to pull together a Staff Handbook to supplement our Employment Contracts. The trouble is now that I have sat down to look at this, it appears to me that the contents could be many and various! I feel it ought include our policies and procedures as the staff are expected to operate to them. It also needs disciplinary procedures, child protection bits, holiday entitlement, sickness reporting ............. Where do I start and where do I stop? Can anyone point me in the right direction please!
Work Experience Students
by Guest- 10 replies
I have agreed to have some work experience students from my local secondary school (yrs 10 & 11) in June. I have received a form to complete with the following statement: Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employees are required to complete a risk assessment for all employees, including work experience students, and where the students are in compulsory education (yrs 10 & 11) a copy must be sent to their parents. My query is that my risk assessment file is huge, covering many aspects of the daily activities etc, is this what is required? Has anyone else had experience of students this age ( 16yrs) and if my whole risk a…
Critical Incident Planning
by Guest- 11 replies
The latest communication from our Education & Cultural,Services Directorate says we need one of these in place. Providers on school sites are covered by the school's policy, but we have to devise our own. Scenarios suggested include death or serious injury resulting from violence, accident, self-harm &/or sudden traumatic illness; major fire; building collapse; riot/civil disorder; natural &/or man-made incidents; missing persons/abductions; terrorism. Apparently we need 'to consider all possibilities' which strikes me as an impossible task. I wondered if anyone from other parts of the country has had to write something similar. It seems to require more t…
Lost Child Policy
by Guest- 10 replies
Has anyone got a copy of a lost child policy I could look at. We have to have one as a result of our Ofsted Inspection. I don't know where to start. Can anyone help. Sue H.