Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
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Can anybody tell me the sort of things that need to go into a curriculum policy please??
- 1 reply
Hi all Has anyone got a policy for intruders entering thier premises........ Horrible to think i know.... If so please could you email me either details of the policy or the actual policy.... Thank you
by Guest sara g- 7 replies
We've just heard that we are going to have our Ofsted inspection in February, and have found out that we are supposed to have a 'behaviour incident book'. We are not sure that any of our children's behaviour warrants being recorded and are also worried that this is going to encourage staff to start labelling children. Can anyone tell me what sort of 'incidents' we are supposed to include, and how to share this information with parents in a sensitive way. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
Staff Accused Of Child Abuse
by Guest- 2 replies
Just been going through various Ofsted reports, sad I know, to find out what my local inspectors are reviewing as I am being Ofsteded in Feb. One thing that seems to have come to light is that they would like to see a policy/procedure should one of our staff is accused of child abuse. Has anyone got anything I could use or look at please? Many thanks Nikki
- 13 replies
Hi - Helen wrote an article about her procedures for settling young children into Fiddlesticks nursery ( http://www.foundation-stage.info/articles/...settling_in.php. ) This topic is a chance for you to discuss that article, or any other issues revolving around the introduction of new children into a setting - whether from the perspective of a parent or a practitioner.
Healthy Eating And Policies
by Guest sara g- 9 replies
I am currently devising a healthy eating policy for the nursery where i work. Has anybody got one at their setting, there are no standards for the quality of food that day care settings provide. Do you think there should be?
Staffing Ratios
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi - I'm currently teaching in a Reception class in a combined school. The class has twelve reception aged children and also has nine nursery children. For the last two years I have had a permanent classroom assistant. There are three assistants in the school. However, due to unavoidable budget cuts the school has to let one assistant go. I am hoping that someone might be able to tell me if there are any legal requirements relating to staff-child ratios in a class like mine so that I might be able to make a case for keeping at least part of my very valued helper!
Last reply by Helen, -
Asthma And Eczema Policies
by Guest- 5 replies
I work in a Foundation Unit (3-5 yrs), represent the non teaching staff as a governor and also have a child within the setting. I am getting a little frustrated as I can not seem to kick start anyone to write an asthma and eczema policy. It is on the ‘to do’ list but since more children are being admitted with these complaints, I would feel that as a mum and nursery nurse it would promote good practice and give staff and parents more confidence, especially with the staff who are dealing with children. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or any examples that I could put under their noses? Their was some talk about contacting the school nurse but the pre-school children …
Parents Policy
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Everyone I'm currently doing OU Foundation Degree and my next assignment is on Parents as Partners. We do have a policy in my setting along with all the legal stuff, but I am interested to know how other settings work with parents and what they include in their policy.
Last reply by Steve, -
- 1 reply
Hi - This topic is intended to continue the previous topic in this forum which sparked off a lively debate on policies and procedures. We have prepared an introductory article on policies which you can access here and also provided some donated policy exampleswhich, however, only members may access (please see the article for the reasons for this). Hope you find them helpful!