Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 6 replies
So mobile phones are in bags in our disabled toilet! Previous to this they were in bags in the staff/visitors toilet which I have recently changed ......I keep finding an odd bag creeping bag in the staff toilet and sometimes in coat pockets in the staff toilets - I’m just feeling not frisking - the clue is in how long and how frequently some staff use the toilet. Most settings I visit have phones in a locked box in the office, lockers etc - our policy needs to be tweaked I think - shall I make the move to phones in the office? What if someone wants to use the disabled toilet? I know what to do but have always used this forum as my support system…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 1 reply
Who has a mental health policy ? Any suggestions where to get advice on wording etc.
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 23 replies
Has anyone got an up to date record of what needs to be kept for how long please. Mine is ancient and I really need to start organising/shredding/filing. Many thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 3 replies
We have a child who would like to come into pre school with a broken arm ! Has anyone ideas of what risk assessment should cover please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 1 reply
HI, We are a Pre-school that operates term time and last yer started a breakfast club which provides a service form 7:45 to 9am for children in Primary school and our Pre-School. In the Statutory guidance it quotes that for children Reception age and above we need to just meet the Welfare and safeguarding procedures. So for instance, provide a Key Person but we do not need to report on their learning and development ie provide a learning journal. The PSLA have advised the Business Manager that Reception age children or children under 5 but in reception should have a learnign journal? Is there anyone that would be able to help clarify this ? Many …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 10 replies
I need some clarification! is" keeping children safe in education" statutory for the early years? I'm sure I read some info on here a while ago but now can't find it. To my mind the guidance says it is for schools and colleges .
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 10 replies
Hi, how long do you expect parents to stay when their child starts new at your setting. And do you charge parents for the settling in period? I believe it will take children a while to build a relationship with their keyperson, so we have asked in our settling in policy that parents (or other known carers) should be available for at least the first week (or longer if the child needs it). However some parents are not happy about this, they have booked their child's first session the day they are returning to work,and expect to just leave their child with us. Now I do understand parents have to go to work and can't afford to take lots of time off, but we need to consid…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38752, -
- 4 replies
Without sounding like a Creme Egg advert... How long do you keep yours? Ta x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 4 replies
Anyone got a safeguarding and child protection quiz that they give their staff? I know I am being lazy asking you wonderful lot first! If not Iwill try and get the brain into gear and make one. Need it for Friday.😉
Last reply by AnonyMouse_59225, -
- 11 replies
Morning all, Hope your all well and enjoying the sunshine I wondered if anyone had a recent/updated 'lockdown' policy that they would be willing to share? I had my local adviser come for a visit/check yesterday and that's the only thing I am missing. Many thanks.x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268,