Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 1 reply
One of my members of staff is studying the Supporting parents with literacy, numeracy and language needs unit of the DPP. She is a bit stuck on these questions and I keep reading it and changing my mind about what they are looking for. Any advice would be wonderful. E8 Identify how the pre-school reviews practice to support parents with literacy, numeracy and language needs. Give information about how the setting regularly reviews their practice for supporting parents with literacy, numeracy and language needs. This may include: process of writing/implementation/review of policies and procedures of the setting, committee responsibilities and action, monitoring and…
- 61 replies
I just woke up and am having a cup of tea in front of the tv, and BBC news. What do I hear?? OFSTED moaning about early years! More emphasis on structured learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another OFSTED shake up?? Nurseries and childminders are not getting children ready for school? They are not equipped enough to learn? Especially maths and language skills????? I have a very big urge to start screaming and wake the whole of the street up!!!
- 0 replies
Hi I am in the process of opening a nursery on a school site, modular building sited on their field. The school has foundation status and I am looking for a contract which may be suitable and wondered if anyone has one to share. I will be paying a rent for the land and wondered if any other settings would share their experiences. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19805, -
First aid for bumps
by Guest- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Whilst volunteering at a setting last week, I was told by a senior member of staff that the setting approach to first aid for bumps has just changed due to professional first aid advice that they should not under any circumstances be applying a cold compress of any sort to a bump, as it was better just to see what happened with it. I've spent some time trying to find anything on the internet that backs this up and can't find anything. If anyone knows anything about this I'd really be glad to know where I can find out more. Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44476, -
Early Club and Late Club ratios
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi! More clarification around ratios please. My setting is a non-registered Independent school with Nursery. Firstly, we are looking to offer extended care for Foundation Stage children from 8 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. Staff are all Level 3. As the two sessions are outside of the usual school day, do the same statutory ratios apply (1:4 for 2 year olds, 1:8 for 3/4 year olds) or are there different ratios for the extended day? Thanks
- 4 replies
Some of the children are suffering form Hand, foot and mouth at the setting. Last week we had 2 confirmed cases and 2 who the doctors have said they might have it, I had a phone call from 2 more parents today saying they think their child has it and described the symptoms etc. Our infectious diseases info says to inform the local HPU if a large number of children are affected - how would you define a large number? we have roughly 60 children so with 6 children having it that is 10% so I'm thinking maybe I should?? Has anyone done this before and can tell me what happens after informing them? We spent all Friday sterilising toys and equipment, we have always had hand…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19135, -
sharing Information with other EYFS settings
by Guest griffclan- 21 replies
Hi, i'm just wondering if anyone has got a format that they use to share information with another setting (if child is attending more than 1 setting) and also how often do you share information? Have you got a policy to back this up or do you just do it? many thanks Helen
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 8 replies
Hi all we normally send a separate risk assessment with the form for the students that want to come to us on work experience. However for many reasons can't get to the master copy! I was wondering before I spend ages re-writing one is there any one out there that might be wiling to share one? thank you xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752, -
- 13 replies
Hi does anyone have a policy or a bit added in to a policy about protecting staff against character deformation? Just wanting to ensure if a member if staff flagged a child for SEN or SAFEGUARDING and a parent is in disagreement they can not be allowed to spead gossip that the member of staff was making things up etc Hope that makes sense
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
by Guest- 6 replies
We have a child who has been diagnosed as having HFM, followed by their sibling the following day. We now have another child with the illness. What policies do you all have on this illness ? I know the health protection agency say they do not need to stay away from settings, but our own policies give us the right to exclude them if we want to. It is a very grey area on how long for. Is it only if they feel poorly/temperature ? I kn ow there is an incubation period of 3-5 days. Not sure what to advise parents ?