Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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Would you allow a member of staff to take a child on a walk on a one to one basis? On one day a week, we only have one baby in our baby room at the moment, it would be great for the child and keyworker to get out and about. We have always made sure that we have a minimum of 2 staff on outings but I have recently been thinking about it and it crossed my mind that when I was a childminder, I used to be out and about on my own with all the children so why should it be different for a nursery? I know it would be always ideal to have 2 staff on the outing, but if it is not possible to let another staff member go, should I be stopping the other one from taking the bab…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_59225, -
- 15 replies
We are a term time only pack away setting open until 3 two days and 1pm 3 days. We have a child that attends all the hours that we are open and Mum has asked today about us heating his lunch. I have only been at this setting a term but previously at other settings I have always said no. Our numbers are quite low so we can't afford to upset anyway, so I said I would look into it. There is a microwave in the kitchen. Where do I find the info on safe heating of food though. Do other pack away settings offer this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 11 replies
its a question I'm asking myself at the moment as my staff just don't have enough time to complete learning journals within the session and we are a pack away setting with the hall being used by others when we aren't there. We complete the blurb in the profiles and targets online -, but key people do take home the journals to stick in observations and photos and colour highlight the tracker sheets once at term as a minimum. . The only information on these is their name and dob - there is no info about the parents or address. Do you need to get parental consent to say staff are taking journals home to work on? Should I be getting staff to complete a declaration about confi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_54841, -
- 7 replies
Hi All, Just want to pick your brains. Legally schools are obliged to share information/engage with/provide copies of records/info/reports etc for all parents with parental responsibilty, even if that means duplicating them. What's the general state of play in a setting? Especially if there are concerns about a child's behaviour/learning and the like. Cx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 2 replies
Good afternoon all, The below mentioned document was once a go to for settings with regards to medication at nursery. However, currently reviewing the medication policy and procedure and this document after much searching on the internet, I cannot find on the governments website. Has this been up-dated and can can anyone point me in the direction of what we should we be referring to please. Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings Many thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_72183, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Dear All, Happy Thursday! Our medication policy has always been that we can't give any medicine unless prescribed by a doctor (including calpol and paracetamol). However a few of our new parents have been to their local GP and have said under new guidelines (as per link below) they have been advised not to prescribe (as you can buy over the counter). https://www.bma.org.uk/advice/employment/gp-practices/quality-first/manage-inappropriate-workload/prescribing-non-prescription-medication Do you guys give un-prescribed medicine to children? and if so would you consider sharing your policy? - I also read on previous discussions that lots of nurseries tend…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 7 replies
Hi, How does everyone go about reviewing their policies and procedures?. Also, how often do you review each one?. Currently our committee reviews them at half termly meetings but when meetings attendance is low (which is most of the time) the reviews are moved to the next meeting.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I have just encountered my first case of headlice since being a manager. My question is (being a grey area) can you inform the parents of the child that you have seen headlice in their hair or do you just generically inform all parents. We have not actively looked for the headlice they have just been seen during play. Also does anyone have a template of a letter to send out to parents? Thanks, Kadie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73897, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am new to starting a thread so forgive me if I get muddled up! But looking for help on the' escalation' side of the safeguarding policy.. I have recently attended an updated safeguarding conference which It was mentioned that we need to add into our policies a bit on escalation. I understand its in relation to child-minders escalating their concerns if they feel that how it has been dealt with is still an issue and we feel the child is still at risk etc.. I have looked on the surrey cc website which is very unclear on the details on how this is to be raised further. Any help appreciated Helen
Last reply by AnonyMouse_69101, -
- 28 replies
Do any of you have a whistleblowing policy? If so can you share? Just trying to work out if we really need one Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805,