Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 9 replies
As a setting we have always had some children 2, some 3, some 4 up to maximum of 28 in one room. If we had 3 2 years olds we would work 1-4 ratio then for the remaining 24 older children 1-8 ratio - total 4 staff. Reading the new EYFS no mention of a change to mixed age ratios in pre-schools. Today I have just received a copy of PLA publication "Getting to Grips with the EYFS and on page 36 it states that mixed age children in one room where there are 2 year olds should have 1-4 ratio! If this is the case how can pre-school afford to run with 7 members of staff every session? Now only week to start of term!
- 6 replies
Code of conduct. Do you have one in your setting? have all staff signed and agreed it? please give me your feedback on this..thanks Esther
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29582, -
- 9 replies
I'm currently wading through all the setting paperwork - As everyone else no doubt! and thought I would upload this if it's any help to anyone - anything to lighten the load lol. I know I have saved lots of time by altering forms etc that I've found on here so thought it was time to give some back lol. If it's of some use please feel free to use it, if it's not ....... well don't use it lol! EY Shared care information sheet.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43874, -
Physical Development
by Guest- 5 replies
I'm attempting to put together policies for the prime & specific areas. My first one is physical. Has anyone else done this as i'm not really sure where to start!?
- 9 replies
I have tried searching but have been unsuccessful in finding a Equal Ops Policy written in line with the new EYFS. Can anyone point me in the right direction. We do currently have one but I am not happy that it covers everything required.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Agreement For Taking Photographs
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi good folk of forum land does anyone have an agreement that you get parents or carers to sign prior to parents taking photographs at say a nativity etc Thanking you most kindly
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 5 replies
hi, i have just been doing some reading around the new requirements. The new framework emphasises the need for practitioners to be alert to inappropriate behaviour displayed by other people in their team or other adults working with children. does anybody have any thing which includes information and examples regarding this aspect that they would like to share.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_41030, -
First Aid
by Guest- 12 replies
Not sure if this post is meant to be in here buut.. i work in a preschool, and all staff are paediatric first aid trained, is there a need for an adult first aider too?? for the staff that work here? And also an accident book for the employees? we don't have one.. My manager told me when i bashed my knee quite badly on a table to write it up on a childs accident form doubt this is the right procedure lol...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 4 replies
I think I really do need a holiday here as even though I have gone through new eyfs where does it mention mobile phone policies? Think I must be goin made and does anyone have the link for the new ofsted inspection process directly from Ofsted? Thank you :wub:
Disciplinary Action
by Guest- 2 replies
hi!! I know I am not alone out there in the dark place that is the policy review but wondered if anyone can give me a heads up on policy on disciplinary action and its format, we have references to it in policy but no actual timetable thingy, am thinking it should be clearer esp in light of the new eyfs disqualification section and especially now that i think i need to include 3.15. wish the sun would shine! ta!! :1b