Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
Library Trip - Risk Assessment...?
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, I am planning a trip to our local Library in a few weeks time and I have come to the job of writing the Risk Assessment...CUE Headache! We have a fab template which I confidently use for all our Risk Assessments, im just wandering if anyone on here has a recent library (or similar) trip assessment which they wouldn't mind sharing with me to help me complete mine...? Many Thanks Tracey
- 3 replies
Im at home today updating policies - such fun ! Im totally stuck on a policy for staff taking meds and their fitness to work - can anyone help please .
Safety And Hygiene With Parents
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Could anyone tell me how you communicate with parents about safety and hygiene in your setting? Other than notices on noticeboards,newsletters,public health posters and publications,informal discussions. thanks
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
We already do the annual questionnaire around Nove/Dec time as most of our children start in September. It has been suggested to me that we should have a questionnaire round about May/June for the parents who are leaving us this summer - does anyone do this? or have an example? We are in an area that ALL schools have nurseries which take from 3yrs old and 99% of parents take their little 3 year olds to school nursery. Our advisor feels we need to find out why parents do this, and my only thought is via a questionnaire, unless someone can think of another way? When we ask we tend to get the standard answer of "it's easy as my other children are there so it's one d…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
Settling In A New Child Form
by Guest- 5 replies
With the new children coming in for visits soon,I am looking at re-designing a new settling in form, as the one I currently use, PSLA from 'Making their day' is 6 pages long and my team find it far too lengthy to complete with the parents. Anybody got a good one in the 6, soon to become 7 developmental areas?
- 22 replies
In our setting, we have always used the term "Key Worker" and have never really given much thought to the actual wording. However I have been told recently by an EY advisor that we should be using "Key Person". The new framework also refers to the term "Key Person". Is there a right or wrong answer? Is it just somehow a sexism issue as the word 'person' is often used when one is unsure of male or female? It just seems more impersonal? I'm only asking as I am compiling my report format (I'm a Nursery teacher in a large primary school) and our Head has questioned me as she feels uncomfortable with the term "Key Person". Just want to get it right. Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7172, -
- 8 replies
I currently have such a lot of staff who work family friendly hours. Some work 2 days / 3 days / 4 days. I have a few staff that also work school hours only and somebody that works term time only (despite being open all year round) However, I have now realised that if I continue to let staff work flexibly it is going to seriously affect the continuity and consistency for the children and other full time staff. One of my staff members has requested to work 3 full days per week and i have said that it is unlikely that it will be approved but have asked her to put her application in so that I can consider all avenues. She is now liaising with citizens advice an…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_41896, -
Expenses Policy
by Guest- 7 replies
Good evening all... actually good morning lol Before i go to bed just wondering if anyone has an expenses policy for staff that they would please share? I need to write one up for the business side of the pre-school. If there are any other policies that you think as a business we should have please let me know. Thanks in advanced and Good nite ::1a
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 6 replies
Hi folks, Just wondering if anyone has a food hygiene policy that they are willing to share. I have looked at the epic maual recommended by the Environmental Officer and have started to put together my own policy but was hoping to get a few ideas. I have put in statements about starage, training, and handling of foods but just want to make sure it is correct. Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 14 replies
we have never had 'savlon' in our first aid box, and as far as i can remember our first aid trainer advised not to. Can anyone point me to something i can print off for the commitee -or are we now allowed antiseptic creams ? i assume the risk of allergies /cross contamination etc are the reasons why we dont have it -we were also told all we could do to wounds /grazes was to gently clean , not to apply creams or 'poke about' (!!) but -my commitee now want me to have savlon or germolene in the kit.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128,