Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
haha That got your attention no doubt Do you allow the children to bring them in? A bit of background, we have a child who is not allowed to eat any form of bread, wheat, flour etc etc or any form of dairy - not because of allergies but because of a diet the family are following. So at snack time the child obviously can't have what the other children have as well as their fruit such as breadsticks/crackers/cereal/bread etc. Mum makes biscuits, pancakes etc from almond flour and we have always encouraged her to bring something in so the child doesn't miss out. Sometimes she will also bring in a pot of seeds which is fine but today she brought in some pistachio…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
- 0 replies
Hi! I have been asked to produce an Outdoor Play Policy specifically for babies . It has come about through my work for my EYPS and wasn't my original intention, but it does fit in! I have searched online and most seem to be for nurseries covering their whole age range, where as I need something baby ( ie up to 18 months) specific. Has anyone got anything they would share so I can tweak it?!! I would be eternally grateful!! Madmum
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38881, -
- 5 replies
l can't seem to open the resources page, anyone having the same problem?
- 11 replies
I was wondering if people could share their views on staff smoking with me please. We have a policy which states that staff are not allowed to take cigarette breaks, which I'm fine with, but I have a member of staff who goes outside 'for some fresh air' at lunchtime when she is working a full day. She is entitled to a break at lunchtime anyway. I have always been fine with this, as she is careful not to be seen by any staff or parents, and doesn't smell of smoke when she come back in. However, another staff member is concerned about this (the two staff members do not get on very well which may have something to do with this) so I've e-mailed my committee chair who say…
- 4 replies
I'm interested to know if anyone from a committee run preschool has a policy stating a notice period for children leaving part way through a term. I have been looking after the setting's finances since 2004 and never had a problem with this before but this term, I have had two funded children leave suddenly, without notice at half term. I had claimed 174 hours for each of these children for the spring term and now have to transfer half of it to other providers. We cannot fill the spaces until after Easter so we are more than £600 out of pocket. It's probably too late to do anything about it now but we need to do something to protect ourselves in the future.The Council…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13457, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, We have recently set up an on-site pre-school at my primary school, we are still new to this and sorting out policies etc. We have written an admissions policy which states that priority will be given to children who are likely to attend the school according to LA admissions criteria (proximity to school, siblings etc). However, when I google pre-school admissions policies they all seem to admit children on a first come first served basis. So now I am concerned - are we actually allowed to do this? Any advice would be great!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 3 replies
Hi! I am a TA in a maintained nursery. It was suggested to me that due to some fo the lovley tasks I do, I should have been offered a Hep B vaccination by my employer, and the nurse at my GP agreed. However, my Headteacher asked Occ Health at the LA who siad it wasn't needed as Hep B requires blood to blood contact. Just wondered if anyone else has been advised to have this!! Madmum
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38881, -
Accident Forms 1 2
by Guest- 46 replies
Just wondering how others record accidents? At the minute we have forms but i feel its a lot of hassle faffing around filling lots of info out for sometimes the tiniest of injuries eg. a slight graze or a tiny red mark. Then we get the parent to sign, i know its important to let the parent kknow but its hard catching all the parents when we have alot to get siggned, also most of the parents are not really bothered as they know what their children are like and don't even bother reading it and just sign, then they're supposed to be filed away but with time, they get piled up and just doesn't seem very good. I wondered if an accident book would be better, and maybe a littl…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19733, -
- 10 replies
Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Basically we have a child who has often been 'ill' to the extent that we wondered if mum was bordering on Münchhausen's by proxy (I know it's changed name now but I couldn't remember what to!) as she never seemed to show signs of illness at the setting. Before half term she told us that the child may be lactose intolerant and that she wasn't allowed any dairy for 2 months so could we make sure she didn't have any at snack. That day in her lunch box she had a frube, a chocolate bar and a cake bar as well as her sandwich. Her key worker went to speak to her after the session and asked her to clarify the situation and mum said …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8457, -
- 4 replies
Hi just thought I'd post a quick query - on several occasions in the past I have had new children start having moved due to family violence or other issues and when they enrol request that if anyone phones or enquires about the child we do not give out any onfo nor confirm that they are at the setting. I just wondered if others have had the same issue and how they manage this. If someone calls do you simply say, whoever it is, no sorry no one of that name or what? It may be that a social worker or police or whatever that calls...but how do you know they are who they say they are? How do you verify identity over the phone ...and wouldnt this alert the caller…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008,