Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 13 replies
I am just wondering if anyone has carried out any COSHH assessments of the types of substances you use at pre-school, i.e., Dettol antibacterial spray perhaps or Milton Sterilising Solution - if so, how in depth did you have to go and where did you obtain necessary info from - the manufacturers or some other central place. Also did you have to carry out assessment on any other substances like paint the children use etc.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39998, -
- 5 replies
Hi - I have a question about the administration of medication. Does anyone here train staff in how to give medication such as Calpol or penicillin? Our medication policy states that anyone giving medication should be first aid trained but I don’t ever remember first aid training covering how to actually give medicine. Should I be training staff how to do this or is it common sense (they do get trained to check dates, labels and quantities etc). I know that the EYFS requirement is to have training if medical knowledge or technical expertise is required but how do I know when medical knowledge is required? For example, if a child needs to be given a tablet each day (and is …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 11 replies
Hello Can you share your ratios for outings please. I am talking local regular outings to the woods, shop, library etc places the children are familiar with. Current policy states minimum three adults but I am reviewing the policy after speaking to our adviser. Wondering if we should specify a ratio of 1:4? Children that normally participate are 3-4 year olds. Our two year olds do not go on outings. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5970, -
- 4 replies
Hi All A very quick question regarding policies. When you make amendments to policies do you have a staff meeting to adopt the changes or so hand updated copies to staff and ask them to read and then sign to say they have done so. We are planning to review a policy a month. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883, -
- 17 replies
Hi There. Please help me out! Last year whilst doing what I am doing now - reviewing policies - one of you lovely people posted a document that listed how long we had to hold onto the rainbow of documentation that I collect. I know I downloaded and at some point during the academic year my LA also replicated the document. I know I have filed it somewhere safe but right now when I need it I am not really sure where that safe place is!!!! So if any of you are able to help; by adding link to the document or by reminding me about all those safe places I should be looking in I would be soooooooo grateful.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_60031, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I am in a school and we have had funding for a new 'time for two's' building to accomodate 2 year olds which I will be running in my remit of EYFS leader. It should be ready for the end of Jan 2018 so I am starting to get my head around the world of 2 year olds! Could anyone sign post or suggest where I look for a list of specific policies/procesures that I will need to have in place (seperate to other EYFS policies for nursery and reception) for when we do start to take on 2yr olds? Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6593, -
- 1 follower
- 48 replies
We've recently had an Ofsted Inspection, and were told we should have a professional love policy in nursery. Has anyone else been advised, or have this policy in setting?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
- 23 replies
Just wondering - of those settings who do not use Tapestry but continue to do paper versions with photographs etc. How have you proceed with Ofsted in gaining permission to have them off of your premises so that staff can up date them at home? How have you for instance, made sure they are kept confidential, or risk assessed their storage and transportation. Do your staff only take home parts of the Learning Journey rather than the whole thing? Do they have to stick photographs in once they are back in the setting and not at home? Sorry lots of questions - in the past we have found the only way we can complete Learning Journeys is to take them home, being a pac…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 12 replies
Hello All We have updated a couple of our polices, some are related to staff and some parents (fee policy). How do your settings notify both regarding changes to policies. We update the polices on our website and I was going to put a notice on our noticeboard for parents directing them to our website should they wish to view any of our policies? A hard copy is kept at the setting also. Is this enough notification, one committee member suggested printing multiple copies but I am not sure that is necessary? Thanks C
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883, -
- 10 replies
Hi, We are a small committee-run pre-school in a village with 2 staff members (myself - QTS and my deputy - L3). We take children from 2yrs+. Ratio-wise, we use me for the 3/4yr olds (13chn) and my deputy for the 2yr olds (4chn). My Chairperson seems to recall reading somewhere that a child can be counted in a 3-4yr ratio group in the term that they are turning 3. So the July birthday children would count as 3 yr olds from May half term (working on a 6 term year)....I have done extensive reading to try and find this referenced somewhere and have had no joy...Is it a 'thing' or has she just gone mad after reading and reviewing the thousands of policies that I've j…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73728,