Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
Taster Mornings
by Guest cheryl3- 8 replies
Hello everyone, When a new child is due to start our Pre School, we arrange a taster morning with the parents/carers. The parent and child come into the setting and spend the whole morning with us until the session finishes. Does anyone else do this? We find it sometimes makes it difficult having the parent around and gives the child false pretenses, making them think that next time they come their parent will be with them all the time again. We thought about asking the parents to come for the taster, stay a short while, leave the child with us and maybe collect early, if there is any problems we will contact them. Any ideas guys? Cheryl x
- 11 replies
Hello I have put this in policies and procedures as it sort of indirectly is referring to these.............tomorrow I have my suitable persons interview ( I have had one before in a previous job) and so part of this process is talking about the policies and procedures at the setting and being aware of the Welfare Requirements of the EYFS as far as I remember.....here's my problem.....as of two weeks ago I was 'Floor Manager' with a Nursery Manager that had Policies and Operational Plan within her job description well she has now asked the committee to change her job description and I am now Nursery Manager which is fine but I have scrutinised the Policies and the Op Pla…
Personal Care Policy
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi everyone, Please please don't think I'm being cheeky but I was wondering if anyone had a copy of a personal care policy that I could look at. I've read about these a lot but have no idea whats in them. Do you write in there that you change nappies on a one to one basis? Is this a policy for parents or staff or both?? Any help would be much appreciated ?Thank you Rapunzel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
Sorry Same Old Again!
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi sorry I realise that a forum search would probably answer my question but being as I have had to revamp the whole policy file and the operational plan as it is inadequate I have used the PSLA policies as a guide here is a list of what I have...what do you say...enough? ooops I missed Working in partnership with other agencies from the list - list_of_policies.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26403, -
Toilet Trained Or Not? 1 2
by Guest- 37 replies
Can anyone help please? We are a infant school in cambridgeshire with a nursery. Our policy has always been to offer nursery places to children who are toilet trained (dry). Has this changed and do we need to be offering places to children regardless of whether they are dry or not? Thanks for help!
- 6 replies
Can anyone suggest items needed in a risk assessment for a nursery walk to a car mechanic garage. I don't have time to re invebt the wheel and feel like i am drowing in paper work. any ideas gratefully received.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3393, -
Kitchen Policies And Procedures
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi- does anyone have any kitchen policies/procedures they would mind sharing- I'm reviewing mine and feel they need a little shake up! got the SFBB pack which is helping but was hoping you may be able to help thanks Z
- 24 replies
Hi Two of my staff have just completed first aid course on which they were told that it would be a good idea to keep a bottle of Calpol at the setting to administer to a child in case say their parents were some way away and we needed to reduce the child's temperature. They were told that we could ring the NHS Direct number to obtain authorisation to adminster Calpol if the parent cannot be contacted, and they have the power to overide others. They would give a reference number as authorisationl. Now I am wondering if this would be a sensible precaution in the light of a possible Swine Flu pandemic? However, what if the parent has not told you that they h…
New County Continence Policy
by Guest- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Hi all our county has just brought out a new continence policy to support its LA Eys settings and primary schools - which is obviously a good thing. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts / can explain the need for a total of four handwashes for every nappy change. policy reads like this... wash hands before you begin then put gloves (and apron) on. change nappy & place in nappy bag. wash hands with gloves on. put wipes, nappy sack, apron and gloves into a plastic bag. wash hands again. dispose of plastic sack in normal school/setting waste. wash hands again. I am particulalry curious about need to wash your hands with gl…
Ict And Data Protection Anyone?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi everyone We have just been offered the chance to apply for an ICT grant on the proviso that we have 'a robust ICT and Data Protection policy' in place. Unfortunately we don't have any idea about what should be included in an ICT policy - does anyone have any advice on where we can look to find out what is recommended - we would rather not lose out on the grant for the sake of not having a policy! Many thanks!