Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 7 replies
Hi, does anyone have a policy thry are willing to share please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 reply
Hello I was wondering if anyone had any good links to dont Outdoor equipment sites. We are in the process of trying to secure funds to move to our own premisis and want to have a fab outdoor area. I really don't want fixed equipment like a big wooden boat etc, I would really like something that can be made into a variety of things so the children get to decide what they are playing. We have been trying to secure funds for over 4 years now and it looks like we may be lucky this time. (fingers crossed) any links would be great. Thanks Lisax
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Parent Meetings
by Guest- 8 replies
My setting has not had official parent meetings since I started there and I would like to hold one this term. I want to use it primarily as an opportunity for parents to comment on their children's profile and add their own views on their children's interests. I am looking for ideas on format really and shared experience of what works and what doesnt.. Issues 1. we operate 9-3.30, when to have the parent meeting? Bearing in mind staff reluctance to do later but also working parents. 2. Some shy or less qualified staff will I know be reluctant to talk to their key children's parents alone. Any help please!! Thank you
Curriculum Policy
by Guest- 0 replies
Hey, Does anyone have a Curriculum policy they could share? xx
Help! Policy Needed
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi This is the first time i have posted anything, so i hope i have done it right. we are a sessional pre-school, so the children do not stay for lunch. I am wondering if anyone has a policy on the preparation of food as we have many parents who want to bring home cooked food for the children such as birthday cakes, buns and food for our parties. I am wondering if we need a policy due to hygiene reasons. Can anyone help?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
by Guest- 10 replies
We are in a large hall with high celings were our electric heaters dangle from. As the weather is getting colder and harder to maintain a warm temperature within the hall, does anyone have a procedure to follow if it is to cold to operate that I could look at please and to forward it on to the parents. I do get in one hour early most morning to put the heating on but the temperature doesnt seem to move that much. What is the required temperature that the hall must be. thanks for any replies
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Nappy Changing
by Guest- 29 replies
Hi all, I work in an LEA Nursery and we recently had a shower installed for 2 Primary aged children in the school who had a medical complaint and therefore had frequent 'accidents' and were able to clean themsleves up. Now we have to write a policy about the use of the shower and the matter of changing children has also been mentioned as we do not have a policy for this either. We currently have 1 child who sometimes poos in his pullups and currently we call his mother to come and change him. We also have some other children, all 3 years old, who wear pull ups and wet themselves while at nursery. Our sessions are 2 1/2 hours long so we don't currently change these childre…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 2 replies
Hello, l want to reinforce the role of the keyworker to my staff when we open, and would also like to give them an overview of what they should be doing as a key person to a child, has anyone got policy or something similar that can be given out. Thanks. A very happy new year to all.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2995, -
- 17 replies
Me again I've had some ideas i'd like to bring in to pre school in January and wondered what people thought if you wouldn't mind. Firstly we don't really have any info on display for parents to read apart from our policies and the last inspection report. I was thinking I could put a "communication with parents" folder out which would included all previous newsletters and any letters that have been sent home to parents etc I was also going to put all the policies under the 5 areas of learning (i've even designed lovely dividers for each theme The policies raised a worry with me though, is it ok to have them in a seperate file to the operational plan or sho…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19135, -
Urgent Help
by Guest- 23 replies
Does anyone have an up to date complaints procedure that I can look at / adapt and use????? had it as one of my recommendations on my last inspection and I know that Ofted are coming out on Monday as I have a staff member being interviewed as a suitable person and I need an updated one ASAP Any help is very much appreciated Debs