Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
Accidentsand Incidents Policy
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi we're having trouble updating our accidents and incidents policy in line with EYFS. We are also trying to fir into te policy about RIDDOR reports and a bit about what to do if a child bites or is bitten. It would be helpful if someone could attach their policy to help give us some ideas. Thanks and Merry Christams!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Late Pickup
by Guest- 19 replies
We have a certain parent who is always late picking up their child from pre-school, ranging from 10 minutes to beleive it or not 1 hour last week. We how ever informed her that she will be charged for that hour, as two members of staff had to stay behind, luckly they had no appointments to attend too. As usually we have no written evidence in our policy regarding late pickups and the charges we should be making, it does say to inform next authorised person in which we did and if nobody answers to ring ofsted etc Doe's anybody have a certain statement included in there prospectus about late pickups that I could add to ours and also what charges that you may apply for beng…
- 21 replies
Hi everyone, can you please advise on this issue. Now that the government and Ofsted wants us to spend more time outdoor in all weather conditions, some parents in my setting are complaining that they don't want their child outside if the weather is cold or wet we have explained to them about the new standards, but they would not bulge. I am thinking of asking them to write a letter giving permission to the nursery not to take their child out if the weather is cold or wet, which means the whole of the winter period if you think about it, this is just to cover us when Ofsted comes. What do you think about this.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2268, -
Equal Ops Policy
by Guest- 5 replies
Does anyone have an equal opportunities policy they can share with me. I ahve looked in the resource library and typically there seems to be (nearly!) every policy but that! Forever grateful!
- 8 replies
Hi All I am looking for examples of the following risk assessments if anyone can help me I would be really gratefull risk assessments poisonous hazardous plants Boundaries and gates Water hazards, for example ponds, drains and pools Hazardous substances and equipment Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Policies- Who Is Responsible?
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi all Well we have been nagging the Committee to update our policies/procedures as our policy states they are responsible for them. Each new committee has to sign them when they take over and Im not convinced that the comm have actually read them. Supervisor and myself are now fed up with waiting for them to do it (on every agenda!) so are going to do thsm ourselvss and get them to sign. My question is as committee run pre-school is it down to the comm to do this or do you do and sign them yourselves? It would make more sense for staff to keep them updated surely? What works for you? Im in the process of comparing our policies to a few other setting policies and alt…
- 2 replies
hi, does anybody have a dedicated fire evacuation policy for mobile and non mobile under twos? or have you added it to your main policy. if anybody could share theri policy i would be really greatfull, have spent ages looking for one. Thanks Skinnybird
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 9 replies
we have a member of staff who is pregnant and we need to have a policy for this and a risk assessment. I have found the latter in resoucses but does anyone have a policy?
Child Protection
by Guest- 9 replies
I just wonder what everyone does in relation to recording something that a child has said that is worrying eg pointing to a mark on them and making a comment that would cause concern to you as a child care provider. Would it be recorded in their personal file or a child protection book? Would it need recording at all if it seemed quite minor and a member of staff spoke to the parent and was happy with their explanation? And if a child comes in with a bruise on their knee would you write that down somewhere and get the parent to sign it for future proof that it did not happen at the setting and also to build a record where frequent bruises etc occurred?
Health Care Plan
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Very new to the forum but loving it Can anyone help, we are just writing a new Medication Policy and the few i have downloaded talk about Health care plans for children on long term medication and nut allergies etc. does anyone have a template please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,