Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
1,360 topics in this forum
Pet Policy
by Guest- 5 replies
A parent has kindly offered to give the nursery a 7 week old baby dwark rabbit with hutch and all its feeding equipment, food etc , very generous She has recenlty brought 7 in to show the children and have a handling session with and because the children were all very interested and gentle with them she made us this offer. I have accepted the rabbit and said that I would just have to find out a few things first about keeping pets in nursery. Does anyone have a policy on this and what are your experiences with pets in nursery? She is lovely and very sweet and I know this experience would benefit many of the children
- 7 replies
I am confused! In a recent communication from Ofsted they now say that we only need to keep details of accident forms for a period of 2 years, together with all child's details etc. My understanding is that we need to keep them for 21 years or so to allow a child when becomes an adult putting in a claim against us.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7677, -
Daily Risk Assessment
by Guest- 5 replies
Has anyone got a daily risk assessment set out as a tick list that they could show me - I have to do one and apart from the obvious - sockets being covered, fire exits clear etc I'm a bit stumped. I'd be very grateful for any helpx
Restraining Policy
by Guest geoalex- 11 replies
Hi everyone A while a go I wrote asking for advice on a child that was disruptive and aggressive towards other children and the staff. Thanks for the advice offered it was very helpful. We still have the child who did calm down a little (we are giving him 1:1 at much cost to ourselves!! - still waiting to see if we can get some funding!). However, since returning after the summer holidays he has started biting the staff, children and even himself. Drawing blood on some occasions. Obviously parents are not happy and so far 3 have threatened to withdraw their children from our setting (as a parent myself I don't blame them!). We have had Birth to 5 Services com…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Getting Started With Policies
by Guest- 1 follower
- 9 replies
hi, this is my first time on the forum so please excuse my ignorance. I am just starting up a day nursery and feel like i am swimming against the tide of policies procedures and the new eyfs. I would welcome any help with putting together my statutory policies ie , child protection, admissions, equal ops etc if any one has any useful templates . Thanks
Changing Children Policy
by Guest- 9 replies
Hello, I work in an LA foundation stage unit and we have children who are not toilet trained. I am going to have to write a "Poo Policy" (I will find the correct terminology!). Can anyone help? Also I have some members of my team refusing to change children- what are their rights? Thank you, Lucyd
Provider Complaints Record
by Guest Wolfie- 26 replies
I'm updating our Centre's Complaints Policy and Procedure - does anyone know if Ofsted have issued an updated record form instead of the one that asks you to categorise the complaint under one or more of the National Standards? And if there IS one, how do I get it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Does anyone know where i could find a job discription for an eyp. thanks Jojom x
Induction Pack
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I am putting together an induction pack/procedure for new staff at our setting (a creche based in a Children's Centre) (this is for one of my EYPS tasks) and wondered whether anyone had any advice on what it should contain? I think it should really include all the policies and procedures together with some additional information about the setting, but that will involve such a huge wad of paper that may be offputting and not all staff may not wish to keep a copy at home. Perhaps I should ask new staff to read though the policies and then return them one by one as they have read them (perhaps signing to say they have read them and/or asking any questions at thi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi Does anyone have a tracker I can look at so we can show how our observations document children's learning across the six areas? Thank you