Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 5 replies
Hi Quick question for those of you who have kids club children if you do school pick up and have 8 children do you send one member of staff, if you are working on the one to one ration for 3 to 5 years can one member of staff take the children out for a walk? Where do we stand legally as we are within the ratio's but I know in a nursery we would not leave a member of staff alone with the children does this alter for kids club. Also if staff go out in their cars to pick up form school (they have appropriate car insurance) can they do this alone? I know childminders are alone and pick children up alone etc but was unsure where we stood with kids club as this is not an area…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
New Parents To Setting
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Just wondering if anybody who works in a baby unit allows parents to stay for a few sessions as part of the setting's settling in policy?
by Guest- 12 replies
Have you changed/altered any policies to fall in line with the new EYFS standards? If so, which ones and any chance of seeing a sample?! Please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_534, -
- 16 replies
We've just had a child confirmed with measles at our Nursery. The doctor said that he would notify the Local Authority. The EYFS says we must notify Ofsted but the Health Protection Agency (Government agency) says we inform Ofsted when there is "an outbreak" - Do I inform Ofsted or not yet? Also, any tips on informing Parents without creating panic would be gratefully recieved (usually with things like chicken pox we post a daily update on our notice board). Haven't dealt with this before - any help out there?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7172, -
What Do You Think Planning
by Guest- 13 replies
please tell me what you think of my planning for eyfs is it ok Eyfs_short_plan.doc MEdium_term_eyfs.doc Focused_activity_sheets_eyfs.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Under 2's And Eyfs
by Guest- 8 replies
I have searched and searched and I can't see anywhere in the new statutory framework for the EYFS were it says that under 2's must be kept in groups of no more than 12. It definitely says it in the old standards but I cant find it in the new - am I missing it or has that criteria been removed or am I just going mad and it is glaringly obvious????!!! Please Help..................
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
A New Early Years Policy
by Guest- 14 replies
I have recently looked at our Early Years Policy.......... I know we should review it every year or so but in truth it has not been looked at/ re written since 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With the new foundation stage upon us and an OFSTED quite likely in the early days of next term (we are well overdue) I am wondering if anyone has a copy of or has seen online a really good up to date policy!! I would appreciate ANY help!!!!!! Thank you!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 2 replies
Hi Does anyone have an Inclusion policy that I can access?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
Animal Policy
by Guest- 7 replies
Does anyone have a policy they can share with me with regards to animals visiting the setting. I have had a quick look in the resource library, but can't find anything. Have been going through policies this morning and updating them, oh great joys when you are on holiday!
Who's Property?
by Guest- 6 replies
I use a regular person for supply cover ( financially unable to offer a permanent contract) discussing with daughter today the fact that she keeps a daily diary, her choice, I didn't ask her to do it. She is a lovely lady, EASL, and her notes are quite basic, what she did during the working day, which child she helped etc, not actually that reflective but I was impressed that she decided to do this record for her benefit. However, we came to the question 'Who's property is it, for example, should she leave the setting in the future?' She writes them in her own time but has asked my daughter (and me) for feedback on it during work hours. I'm thinking observations ar…