Policies and Procedures
For discussion of methods and policies employed in Early Years settings.
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- 15 replies
hi, has any one got a documentation on child protection policy and procedures. in an event of an incident occuring what steps does one take (in writing) also if an aligation is made against a staff what procedures has anyone got. if you dont mind sharing.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Travel For Outings
by Guest- 4 replies
Can anyone please point me in the right direction regarding children travelling in staff cars? A sessional pre-school, committee led, can the staff take children in their own cars to go on a local visit to the beach etc? Can you help, please? Thanks in advance....
Bike Helmets
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi I'm in a school and the idea has been raised that we shouldn't let children cycle or scooter without helmets. We have very few injuries (area's too small to get too much speed up) but it's to do with giving mixed messages about safety when they should be using helmets on the road. Do any of you expect children to wear helmets in your settings?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 25 replies
Hi What do you all charge parents who pick up their children late? From September we'll be running a lunch club and afternoon session which could potentially overlap & mess up ratios. I currently have at least 2 families who are repeatedly late, sometimes as much as 15 minutes, and whilst its inconvenient it doesn't mess up my day as i don't have anywhere i have to be at 12.15. September will be a different story altogether. We're trying to write a policy but are struggling to know what to charge, particularly to those who only have NEF & don't pay for anything else. Thanks everyone Sam
- 0 replies
I am currently trying to re-educate adults on the govering body about the benefits of recycling/reusing and composting. While i was gathering information I thought it'd be useful to develop an environmental protection policy for my setting. Does anyone already have one of these? Or perhaps it has been a previous post that I can't find...thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11548, -
- 9 replies
HELP ! My Pre-school have decided to go to a zoo for their outing this term and I'm getting really worried as we haven't got a risk assessment. I don't think that one has ever been done for any visit that we have made ! The trouble is I don't have anyway of getting to the zoo(its over 40 miles away)to do a risk assessment, but we have been there many times before. Is it alright to do a general risk assessment ? Please help before I get myself into a right state, the trip is only two weeks away !
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10355, -
- 6 replies
I am just reviewing some of our pre school policies and would like some advice please! when appointing a new member of staff is it necessary to obtain a crb disclosure BEFORE they start work? I appreciate that they would not be allowed unsupervised access to children until they have this, as is the case with volunteers and helpers. thank you sandie
Administering Childcare Vouchers
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi all Some advice needed please. Does anyone charge an admin fee for processing childcare vouchers? I have about 10 parents who pay either with paper or Evouchers and it has occured to me that the time it takes me to process the payments is actually costing me quite a bit: For example I have to: email the paper voucher info through to the voucher provider then reconcile payments to my bank statement. Print out Evoucher remittance advice notes that are emailed to me then reconcile to the bank statement and then to child's payment card. I have to process these payments on a montly basis and at the moment I don't charge for this. If anyone else …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11134, -
Reviewing Safeguarding Policy
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, I'm nearly at the end (assessment prob July 23rd) of my full pathway EYPS. The setting where have been on placement throughout this year have all undergone Safeguarding training recently and as a result and with EYFS in mind we are reviewing our policy, I am able to feed into this, which helps greatly evidencing EYP Standard 35: "Influence and shape the policies and practices of the setting and share in collaborative responsibility for their implementation" the things I'm asked to look at include: A safe recruitment process and a couple of other sub heading which i'm embarassed to say have gone right out my head now I'm typing this!! Been doing …
Informing Ofsted
by Guest- 10 replies
i have had to inform ofsted about a child who took ill at nursery and had to go to hospital. I have followed this up in writing. But what happens now? Do ofsted just record the matter or do they have to come out and investigate it.