156 topics in this forum
Black History Month/diwali
by Guest lesboyle- 2 replies
Hello - hope you're all having great weather! I would really like to spend my weekend outdoors making the most of it and NOT spending it racking my brains for ideas for next week's planning! I have a nursery class of 3-5 year olds, many are EAL and my particular group are quite young (emotionally and intellectually). I have just starting teaching this age group and the catchment is a very mixed group - lots of children from all different nationalities, languages and cultures and so next week we have decided to introduce the topic of Black History month and the staff always do quite a big Diwali input each year. But I havent ever covered either topic with children so youn…
Harvest Song?
by Guest- 16 replies
We have been asked to join the local school in Harvest festival. No problem, you may say. BUT the theme is 'seeds for Africa' so the usual Oats, beans and barley grow won't fit. Any ideas PLEASE.
by Guest- 1 reply
Can anyone help me with a rhyme. My daughter learnt it many years ago, but we cann't remember it all anymore. It went something like: Witches broomstick Witches cat Witches couldron Witches hat We don't remember the rest, can you help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
Help Need For Re!
by Guest- 6 replies
I cover PPA for one day a week as part of my contract. This year it will be reception class and I've been given half Knowledge and understanding, music and RE I'm struggling with RE.I know I'm going to cover Eid and Divali later in the half term but could do with some helpful web sites for stories and activities-any suggestions The RE follows the KWU so would like a similair themed story This week we are doing Elmer-being different but special-elephants so thinking about Ganesh??
Harvest Assemblies
by Guest- 0 replies
I'm sure in the next few weeks lots of us will be looking for harvest ideas. prayers and songs so thought we could posted them together so we all don't have to re-invent the wheel I've been searching through the forum for an assembly script/idea I'm sure I've seen on the forum but can't find it in a search.We have been given Handa's Suprise to perform.HELP!!
Harvest Festival
by Guest- 5 replies
Now I realise that we havent actually broken up yet but I am thinking about Autumn!!! We have arranged for the vicar at our setting to lead a little "Harvest" event with parents at the church and I need " easy peasy" songs. So far I have managed to mess about with Twinkle Twinkle which does actually sound quite sweet but I need a real "meaty" number for the finale!!! Has anyone got a tred a trusted ditty please!?
Easter Songs?
by Guest- 7 replies
Help i'm stuck!!! the playgroup has been invited to attend our church for Easter Sunday service. We are in the process of creating our Easter bonnets and we will have a parade in the church. I thought it would be nice if we could all learn a song linked to Easter and share it with the church on the Sunday. Have you any ideas?
by Guest- 6 replies
Good morning all, I want to spend the 4 days next week doing easter activities with my reception class and wondered if you had some ideas and songs/ rhymes. Thanks very much Ger
- 8 replies
just thinking about what I could put in and my mind has gone as blank as a blank thing. I've got coloured foils and that is it! any ideas??? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
St Patricks Day
by Guest- 13 replies
Monday is St Patricks Day and we have a few of the "little people" in our setting! I would like to do something special but seem to have gone very blank and can only get as far as all "dressing up in Green!" Does anyone have something alittle more exciting we could try please.