Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Ideas For Writing Table
by Guest- 1 reply
happy New Year everyone and don't worry its not long until half term!!! I work in a special school and want some ideas for our writing table. My class are aged 5-9 with different levels of ability, the top being low level NC. At the moment it is just a 'general' table with a wide range of resources to use. I want to have a 'focus table' like I do with maths and have something different on it each week. Any great ideas? Many thanks
Hansel And Gretal
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi wondering if anyone can help ur topic next term is based around hansel and gretal I am looking for ideas linked to KUW. Does anyone have any exciting activities or plans that they can share I need something that will be interesting for my special needs class. Thank you
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Thinking of doing the theme 'food' after Christmas with Reception. Anyone done this already? With such an open title it can going in any direction! Any tips? Thanks Gem
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 5 replies
I was wondering if anybody can recommend board games for young children with Christmas in mind or if you make your own board games that you are happy to share.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 5 replies
Hi All , I thought i would share my thoughts on last nights Communicating and Connecting workshop , I'm sure many of you have attended one of these and if you have not, try to. For some of us story telling and using props comes easily, if like me you have a drama background or just completely nuts!!but for others it is about confidence and learning new techniques , ideas etc The story kebab involves no van on the side of the road or chilli sauce just lots of items that you have to hand , feathers, material,pennies , sticks , leaves , the list is endless to help represent characters in a story that is known or to creat a whole new story . We are going to try it out…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello.... Just wondering how you can enhance the playdough to develop fine motor skills or exploratoy skills... I already do the usual....add food colouring and difference flavours/ essence But does anybody add anything else e.g. rice, sequins??? Thank you xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
African Songs
by Guest- 5 replies
Does anyone know any African songs suitable for nursery children to sing? Preferably we need the song to be about Africa in some way. Any suggestions gratefully received
- 4 replies
Hi all, We had a visit from our improvement advisor and was told all our activities etc. should be based on children's interests. We have one little boy who is really interested in Thomas the tank engine but we are drawing a blank on any activity ideas that we could plan for him. All the children are into sensory play so any ideas for that would be great too. We have had oats, rice, playdough, sand, cooked spaghetti. Our other children are into painting and playing in the role play kitchen so any ideas to develop these areas would also be great. My mind is just drawing a complete blank. I think its the typical friday night feeling! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Dinosaur Fossil Dig
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello, my topic after half-term is dinosaurs, Ive got loads of good ideas thanks to this forum, and have followed a thread about making a plaster paris sand mix and hiding bones inside for children to dig out which I'd love to do. I just wondered if anyone can be a bit more specific about how this is made (sorry if this is a bit of a basic question - Im an NQT is my only excuse?) I gather its a mixture of plaster of paris and sand. What stops all the bones sinking to the bottom? and if i make it into a container - say icecream box, how do i get it out? just cut the box off? Thank you in advance. RG.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7172, -
by Guest- 8 replies
Oh my gosh....As a whole school topic next term, for the first two weeks we are looking at the book 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. Where oh where do i go with this for my very young reception class. The opening bit is antastic, describing the iron man, the rest is going to be just far too hard for them to understand. So i guess I am heading down the robots route. Two weeks on robots....what can i do????? The obvious making robots in creative area...but writing? Maths? My mind is baffled. What books are their out there to do with robots? what other creative stuff can i do with them? Any ideas would be hugely welcomed xxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037,