Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Ideas For Investigation Area
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello all! I am in need of some fresh ideas for my Investigation area for my Reception class and I'm hoping all of you lovely lot will inspire me It doesn't have to be topic related so anything that will allow the children to explore independently during 'choosing time' and I will be able to observe for profile evidence. So far we have had... - mini board/ramps and things to roll and slide - electric circuit, batteries, bulbs, switches etc for children to try and put together - plastic squash bottles filled with oil, water and food colouring and multi sensory plastic discs with water and shapes inside This week it's floating and sinking with the tub fille…
- 3 replies
Hi, I only opened my pre-school in September with 2 children. We are now up to 5 children and are having lots of problems with getting them to share. All the children are 2yrs old and have the opinion that everything is 'theirs'. They have now started running away from the other children or hurting them if they are asked to share a particular toy. One child decided that she was going to stand on one of the scooter for the whole time we were outside just so that no-one else could use it! Any ideas of how we can get them to start sharing? We do have plenty of toys and activities available for the children but it seems that they only want to play with so…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25331, -
Eyfs Display
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all you lovely FSF eople. Wondering if you can help. We are due dreded Ofsted very soon, and I would really like to get an EYFS display in our shared area nursery & Reception. Does anyone have any photos or ideas that suggest ways that of promoting EYFS. I was thinking of dividing the display board into the four principles...Enabling Env, Pos Relationships etc. Any ideas on what we could do. Any tips i would be extrememy gratefu. xxxxxl
by Guest- 7 replies
Hiya I am currently working in a nursery school, and we are focusing on writing this year. Howevr I would like some ideas if anyone has them. At the moment I have done matching intial letter magnets to first letter of name, tracing over name, Forming letters on w/bs. Is there anything else we can do? thanks in advance
by Guest- 6 replies
I have a little boy who is into magic. I would appreciate any ideas on how to take this forward?
- 15 replies
While out yesterday i saw pumpkins on sale and it has prompted me to remind everyone of this wonderful activity which covers so many areas.. I looked back and could not believe how long ago it was I first posted about it... Pumpkins So for all those who want to have a go you need a pumpkin, golf tees and hammers... large wooden mallets are good or rubber headed ones.. we used the ones used for tent pegs and they worked a treat... then away you go.. hammer them in... when full of holes we used them as a peg board and the golf tees were the pegs.. lastly bash it open and explore... and count how many golf tees are inside... just don…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18910, -
The Value Quality
by Guest- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi Can anyone suggest a story for Infant assembly around the value of quality? Does not have to be religious. I'm at a loss! Thanks Gem
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Interactive Rainforest/jungle Theme
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi there..... My manager has decided to give me the task, as I love creating new displays and ideas for the children, to come up with an interactive rainforest/jungle theme for the 2-3 year old children's corridor (which they will walk through to get to their classrooms) I am very excited about creating it; I have a few ideas in mind, but just wanted to see if anyone could help me too? Any ideas and suggestions welcome.... Thanks Kirsty
Topic Table
by Guest- 2 followers
- 5 replies
Hello I wonder if anyone has any ideas we are doing all about me in September and we would like to link it to our topic table but am a bit stuck
Eyfs/ks1 Dance Schemes Of Work
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi I am a teacher in a special school with children aged 7-9. I need some good dance schemes of work more suited to EYFS or low KS1? My school doesn't have any. I have used Val Sabin before and found these quite useful but need some that are free!. Does anyone know any places whereI can download any? I will have to find music for the lessons too as we dont have any dance tapes/cds, just general music. I am not a dance teacher at all and not sure what to do other than make it up every week!! Thanks