Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
by Guest- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Morning! Our preschoolers have received in the post this morning 10 baby caterpillars which we will now eagerly watch as they transform into butterflys! This is forming the basis of our planning for the following week and for as long as the children remain interested.... We are trying to put together some activities based around this and I wondered if anybody had any good activity ideas? I know how great this site is with ideas! We have done some butterfly printing, butterfly hunt around the nursery, read 'the hungry caterpillar' ....... look forward to hearing all you thoughts
- 2 replies
Hi Can anyone help as stuck for ideas for Independence day? We have a child who has been with us a year and desperately misses home (which is America) so thought we'd celebrate it. Any ideas would be appreciated please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
New Reception Class Activity
by Guest- 5 replies
As it says in the title...I'll be meeting the Nursery little ones next friday who will be starting my Reception class in September. I am racking my brains thinking of some kind of fun but simple activity I can do with each of them. I'll only be spending 4o minutes with them and I don't want to scare them completely with a proper lesson. I'll have various free choice activities out on the tables but I would like a focus activity, possibly creative, so that I can take time to sit with them all and have a chat with them whilst they're doing something, so it's not too daunting. I did think of making paper plate masks of some sort. Paper plates provided and some collag…
Ideas Please
by Guest lou73- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi I was wondering if any of you lovely people could help me......I am wondering if you could you suggest possible books/stories to use with nursery and reception children related to the theme 'Why I am amazing'? This could bring in any aspect linked to this question including the senses...... Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated....thanks lou X
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Maths Investigation Ideas Please
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi I have got an interview next week and have to do a maths investigation with 10 REception children as part of interview. I am really stuck as to what to do. I was thinking of doing a 3D shape sorting activity but not sure what context to set it in. The activity has only got to last 15 mins but I am really getting into a state about it and would welcome any help and ideas. Many thanks. Lucyteach
Disney Princesses
by Guest- 9 replies
finding this very hard for ideas when there is a particular very strong interest within our large preschool.....can anyone help me with next weeks planning ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Developing Questioning Skills
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, Does anybody have any good ideas for a short focused activity outdoors that would help develop children's questionning skills for my class. Thinking of a sort of investigative/exploring activity with mark making belts, clipboards and cameras to promote questionning but wondering how I can specifcally get children to ask questions. Maybe hiding an object? Any ideas would be helpful Thankyou guys
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 17 replies
Does anyone have any good number rhymes or songs to share? We seem to pull out the same ones each time, and I feel a few new ones would be good! Our current favourites are: 5 little ducks/speckled frogs/men in a flying saucer; 10 green bottles/fat sausages; elephants on a spiders web; 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive. Any new ones anyone??
by Guest terrydoo73- 2 replies
As part of our topic in March we did some "growing" exercises with the children - we gave them each sweet pea and nasturtium seeds to plant in individual troughs and then planted in some violas and hung them to our window grills. The violas have done really well and are a bit leggy now but the sweet pea and nasturtium did not come as well - maybe plant them in individual pots next year! We also "hid" some scallion/onion bulbs in our compost tray which were then individually planted into pots by the children as found. The children also planted and grew their own sunflower and lettuce seeds and we had a few left over so put them aside. We then got a number of large plan…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Pshe Books For Lessons Obs
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all, I have a lesson obs next week for an interview. It is to each in an autistic unit within a mainstream school. I have to do a 15min session on PSE with 15 mixed Y2,3,5 and autistic children/children with communication difficulties. I can think of plenty of good PSHE books but need some ideas about what to do as a story & chatting is a bif boring!! Any ideas gratefully received Many thanks