Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Nursery Nurse Interview
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Everyone, So i have been called back on Tuesday 17th May to plan and delivery an activity. All i have been told is i can choose any topic/theme i like - as they want to see how i can respond to the children/setting. I did spend the whole day there on friday - from my view the children are quite active and love to play espescially outside. I have no idea what area/theme to go into and what kind of activity to prepare. it should be from 15-25mins long. the plan should be quite detailed, learning objectives, how i will introduce the activty to the children, how i will assess them, what tragets/interests can this activity meet, questions that can supp…
Interview Obs
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all I have an interview observation on Wednesday 18th May. It has to be Numeracy and linked to minibeasts. Does anyone have any super ideas for this please? My mind has gone blank with the panic setting in. Please help Many thanks Kazdav1
Interview Help!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, i really hope someone can help me! On Monday i have an interview for a reception job. I have been asked to teach a class of 25 children (the ones that will be in the reception class from september). I have been told the following: The topic is people who help us It needs to be based on calculating Children are used to free flow It will be a 25 minute observation Children are working between 30-50 months[/b][/b]. I am REALLY struggling for ideas for calculating, and i am also concerned about how i should plan it! I wouldn't normally keep my children on the carpet for 25 minutes, but I'm not going to be given the chance to go in and set up activities on tab…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Kitchen Furniture!
by Guest Spiral- 2 replies
I'm looking to develop an area for the staff to use as the kitchen. We've looked at community playthings, but this isn't quite what we require. we would like an area that the children can only enter when invited to do so by an adult. I know that doesn't sound ideal, but it is necessary for rooms to work, Spiral
Travelling Communities
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi All Our topic is circus and i would like to do a PSE input on travelling communities, their homes, schooling, lifelstyle etc.. however i am struggling to find any material for the session. Any ideas would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks Lola
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone! I work in Nursery in a Primary School and I've been given the topic of 'Playgrounds' for the next half term. It's not a topic I have come across before and I'm really struggling as to how to tackle it Nursery has quite a large outside area which is part grass and part safety surface but not canopied. Does anyone have any suggestions pleaseeeeee ? Thank you
Animals Topic
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone! After the Easter holidays I am starting a new topic on 'animals' with a small group of foundation stage special needs children. I have never taught this topic before so I am looking for any activity ideas as i'm sure some of you will have taught this topic! Thanks Katie
Tuff Trays In Reception
by Guest- 3 replies
Hiya, I'm really keen to use my Tuff Tray well in Reception. We did a fantastic ice investigation in it during Climate Change week - the children were really involved and excited... But... when asked if I always put exciting things in the tray one of the children said "not all the time"! So, I could really do with some ideas if anyone has anything? From basic to inspiratonal - all ideas will be more than welcome Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_32166, -
Story Sacks
by Guest- 5 replies
Does anyone know of a good company where you can buy story sacks?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Water And Sand Play
by Guest terrydoo73- 1 reply
Can anyone help me with a suggestion for both sand and water play in relation to a farm theme we are doing. We have gone done the line of colouring the water green for this month (being St Patricks Day this week!) but are not getting the same interest around the tray. Was wondering if I should maybe get some weeds from pet shop as well as pebbles and put the toy ducks in there - what do you think? We wet our sand this month to give a difference from watching the dry sand going through funnels and sieves and added some horses. Any suggestions what we could do to enhance it further? Was thinking maybe tractors with loaders/shovels and trailers attached to t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30147,