Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Jack And The Beanstalk
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all we are doing Jack and the beanstalk the week after next and i want to do something different and exciting linked to the topic any ideas?????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 8 replies
My Reception children have become very interested in creating puppets for the Puppet Show area. I would like to develop there interest, using appropriate materials and how to work this around the 6 areas of learning. Can anyone help me out with some good ideas? Please take in consideration that I am the only adult in a class of 14. Thanks in advance !
Nursery Class Photo Book
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi All, I have been thinking of useful ways to utilise spare photos we have of the children in my nursery class and came up with the idea of a photo book. I thought children could also take photos of whatever they wish and choose photos to put into the book (with quotes from them next to the photo). I would like it to be an album that can be updated with new photos etc regularly. Has anyone done this and have any advice? Thanks Charly
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789, -
- 7 replies
I asked my class this afternoon what they'd like to find out about after the holiday and some of the suggestions included: places, aeroplanes and Dora the Explorer. I'm thinking this gives me a pretty good starting point for an exploring theme and I want to include Indiana Jones too to help appeal to my boys and to my Y1s (I have a mixed YR/Y1 class). I've already searched the forums and found some ideas but would love it if anyone can suggest any others?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, i wonder if anyone can help me?! I am an NQT in a very large nursery setting. Next term we are doing Space, and i am really struggling for ideas. The children in our setting never seem to be overly enthusiastic about any of the topics we do, and it's starting to get me down . The staff that i work with are all very experienced, and when i suggest anything they have either done it before and say it won't work, or don't seem to want to take my ideas on board. It would be a great help if anyone could give me a few ideas to get me started! Many thanks x
by Guest- 2 replies
I am doing the topic of Transport with year 1s. I know that there is a whole section on transport but entries were made a long time ago. I am stuggling to link PSED (already have road safety and safety when travelling) and CD. Does anyone have any inspiring ideas?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi our topic next half term is growth.Just wondering if anyone has any realy good ideas for activities or resources? I really want to make a miniture garden with the children but i am not at all green fingered!! Help would be appreciated! Thanks Catherine
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13457, -
Oaty Dough
by Guest- 6 replies
Ok next week we are going to start a mini theme on goldilocks and the three bears as the children are loving retelling stories at the moment. I want to make some oaty dough for them to play with - how am I going to do this - do I just add oats to the normal play dough mixture is should I do it differently - I am hopeless at things like this so your help would be appreciated!
End Of The Day Routines
by Guest- 1 reply
Hiya everyone, I am having my final NQT observation on Thursday afternoon. I have been told to think of a nicer end of the day routine. At the minute we just have storytime and then the children get their things together and line up at the door for hometime. So i'm after some ideas for games or songs that could be carried out at hometime everyday. I am currently in a mixed reception/year one class. Thanks in advance! Charlotte x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Please someone help, Ive been teaching for ten years and love my job with a Reception class but is it just me or are kids coming in with less and less respect. I have a boy that says no to me consistently every time i ask him to do something. I have been very firm with him and send him to time out every time he is refusing me, but it is driving me insane. I am thinking about doing a behaviour reward for him but part of me thinks no, he needs to learn first to do as he is told. Rant over!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,