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898 topics in this forum
Ring Games And Music And Movement
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone Just wondering if people could give me ideas. I teach in nursery and would like to have some ideas on wet playtimes. If there is anything you do related to music or ringames? Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 0 replies
Hi all just wondering if anyone has got a good or outstanding recently from Ofstead? Need some ideas on successful lessons. I would be grateful if anyone could help? Katie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11056, -
New Head Watching Me! Help
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, Asking for help please!!!!!!!!! I have a new head who is spot on and would love ideas. My mind seems to have gone blank. Next week Im doing the post office with nursery - need some good CLLD activities without just letter writing. Please help! x
- 9 replies
Following a discussion about the 'Lollipop Lady' outside school, a few children decided it would be fun to be 'Lollipop people'. So we had some problem solving about how to make a stick and how big it should be etc. They decided on corrugated card (as we have a surfeit - thank you Community Playthings) and drew round a plate on the card. I cut them out as we decided it was easier with a craft knife, but under their 'supervision'. They painted them yellow then put a smaller plate on top and did the red border round the plate. Black paint next to paint 'STOP', the black line, and the people underneath. The next problem was what to use as the stick, so we scr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6716, -
Star Wars
by Guest- 4 replies
I'm a registered CM and I'm looking for some ideas of how to enhance a 3 and a half year olds interest in Star Wars. Everything he talks about at the moment is based around star wars characters, he prefers to play with me mostly rather than the other children so although I always plan based on children's interests I've been a bit reluctant to follow this one as none of the other children have any concept or knowledge of star wars. What do others do when they identify a very strong interest that only one child has? I've thought of doing space again (although done that fairly recently) but actually it isn't really space that he's interested in, it's the characters in sta…
Toy Topic
by Guest- 3 replies
hi next month we are doing toy topic, mind's gone blank has anyone got ant ideas, working with 3-5 yrs. thanks alison
Space Topic
by Guest- 2 replies
Just trying to gather some ideas for our space topic beginning next week. Not doing very well at the moment! I would be really grateful for any ideas!
A Dark, Dark Tale
by Guest- 3 replies
Hey...after half term we are following the theme of a Dark Dark Tale for a week in reception. I am however, stuck for literacy ideas to do!! I am going to introduce the text in our autum cave role play with lights off and torches with eery music, but not quite sure how to follow that on for the rest of the week? i am having a mental blank...half term-a-litus i think!! any ideas?? xx
- 3 replies
Hi everyone Does anyone have any ideas how I can roll out PSRN activities across the setting please? Were a small setting, children aged 2 to 4 years. The children have free play first thing and move between the two rooms as they feel free. We do counting how many children are in etc, number rhymes and puzzles etc but really want to encourage it more in everyday play Any ideas would be greatlt appreciated or even suggestions for websites please many thanks
Using Shaving Foam
by Guest- 15 replies
Can anyone tell me if you can use any shaving foam with children i.e. the cheapest as I want to introduce it in mark making. Also can you add food colouring to it etc Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12969,