Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Creative Ideas
by Guest- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Can anyone give me any ideas for creative exploration relating to the topic of shiny play - going to add sequins and glitter to water and playdough.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
Shiny Things
by Guest- 2 replies
This is our new topic after half term. Does anyone have any innovative ideas? (Especially for shared thinking, role play and sensory?) Thank you in advance.
Sustained Shared Thinking
by Guest- 2 replies
Has anyone planned anything which has gone really well? We have planned a frozen teddy to be found in the garden, some golden eggs, a sackful of presents and some big footprints. We would love some fresh ideas.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Santa's Workshop
by Guest- 1 reply
I'm thinking of turning our mark making area into Santa's workshop which would include writing letters to Santa, Christmas lists, wrapping boxes with Xmas wrapping paper, writing out Christmas cards. . . Does anyone else have any wonderful ideas to add? Thank you in advance.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Interview Activity Ideas
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi everyone. I am new to the thread. I am being observed teaching in a Reception class on Wednesday. I am required to teach a 20 minute cross curricular activity to about 4 children based on a creative stimulus such as an object, piece of music, picture and so on. Have some wonderful sparkly eggs that I have considered using that would be brilliant at creating talk and language and possible story writing ideas but struggling on how this can be extended to 20 minutues?! If you have any ideas for the eggs or any other ideas based around a creative stimulus for me I would be really greatful!! Thankyou.
Harvest Festival
by Guest- 3 replies
OK i am stuck for ideas I have recently been put in charge of festivals and have been asked to do something for harvest festival... i know some schools do things where they make food parcels etc but I have no idea where i would find someone to send these to???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
Outdoor Play Boxes
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everybody. I am looking to develop some outdoor play boxes. I have made a list for the usual mark making, painting, rolling , windy day etc. I was hoping you could all give me some more ideas that are abit unusual and differant. I can't remember if there has been a thread for this topiic before if so could somebody please point me in the right direction Thanks Bluebell
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
What's On Your Washing Line?
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello, After a long ban on there use at my school washing lines are now back on the planning and enhancing classrooms across the school!! At the moment mine has squidgy numbers on it for ordering to 10. But it got me wondering.. What is on your washing line? and what has been your most successful washing line activity. I would welcome any ideas as squidgy numbers are not going to inspire my class for long!
All About Me
by Guest- 6 replies
hi can anyone give me any ideas for this topic. i work with 2-5 yrs old, thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 12 replies
Hi everyone Not used any forum before so hope I am getting this right, feel stupidly nervous! I run a pre-school and we are trying to follow the topics of the school so we can join up at various times through the year with different activities etc. they have chosen Building, Windows and Doors as their topic which I find a little challenging and wondered if anyone had any ideas? What I have thought is maybe Hansel and Gretals house in the role play and then get the children to think about what they would like in this area and how to present it all. Then thought about local walks to church and well etc.. counting windows maybe doing brick rubbings looking for p…