Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Our Community
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi I am moving to a new classroom and having a mixed reception year 1 class (14 yr 1 who I had last year as Reception and 8 new Reception children. Haven't taught year 1 for about 20 years so have to get my head round that as well as trying to set up a suitable new classroom. What do people have in their classrooms for mixed ages. Tempted to set it as i would for Reception with areas (this isn't how it has been set up). On top of this the theme for the first half of term right through school is 'community' and each year group is interpreting it in their own way with emphasis on creative thinking. Was thinking along lines of home and school, people who help us in school,…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Last Week Of Term
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi all! We are nearly there! I just wanted to know what everybody was doing in their nurseries during the last week of term. Any specific activities?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29641, -
- 4 replies
I am a new manager looking at a brand new topic for the new children in September focussing on friendships. We are going to do hand printing etc but am struggling to think of many ideas suitable for the younger children from age 2. Any help would be fantastic
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31600, -
- 8 replies
The children have been very interested in making their own see-saws from planks etc. outside- any suggestions about extending this type of play? Could do weighing etc. but they have explored that quite a bit in the past. Also one child has found he likes to launch articles down a piece of string which is attached to the wall at one end and he holds the other while sitting on top of the climbing frame, today, the children began adding metal saucepans from the home corner etc. to this and loved the noise that it made, so we will be introducing something similar in the garden for them to create music with, but, any other suggestions, we will be visiting the local park on…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 11 replies
Planning a sports day next week for our under 5's but lacking inspiration for new/fun ideas So far my 'short' list comprises of : Running races, Obstacle course, sack races, egg and spoon ..... Anymore ideas would be greatly appreciated ... thankyou. dottyp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414, -
Family Topic.
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, Has anyone done a topic on 'Me and my family'? What did you do? We would like to make books about families and any inspiration would be very welcome. Thanks
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Aspirations Week
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi there, just posting this to see if anyone out there can help, it is aspirations week next week for all of school, i teach nursery and would like to celebrate this doing something bit different, main school are looking at what our aspirations are both spiritually and morally and personally and would like to do something like this in nursery; dont want to stick to usual people who help us kind of topic but will obviously look at jobs people do at home, school and then in community; maybe start by finding out about jobs parents/uncles/aunties/grandparents do etc etc. in terms of spiritual/moral aspirations e.g. kind, fair, polite, hard working e.g. was going to do som…
Observation! Please Please Help!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Everyone!! Its been such a busy week with p2p's, planning, reports and all the other things! I'm gettin observed tuesday! got ideas but I dont think any of them are "wow" activities. I want to do something numeracy based or an investigation linked to KUW. I thought: A waterproof investigation to find the best material for Mr tog togs coat. Floating and sinking or weighing- which object is heavy/ light? and then go on to use cubes to make the scales balance. Has anyone got any ideas of what I can do for my observation linked to investigations or shape space and measure.. I would really appreciate it.. thank you in advance!
World Cup
by Guest- 15 replies
Have a boy heavy class and am thinking about doing some World cup activities after half term. Don't just want to focus of football element (unfair to girls and boys who aren't interested in football). Initial thoughts are countries involved (choose a few to focus on) - where are they, pictures of place and people. Try some food from these countries - pizza from Italy, frankfurters from Germany, chilli from Mexico, etc. Look at flags and let children make their own. Try a few greetings in different languages. Design their own football strips. Mini football games and other team games. Exercising to keep healthy - like footballers! Listening to music from differe…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
by Guest- 4 replies
my class have benn doing dinosaurs and have loved it. They now want to explore volcanoes. Apart from the obvious exploding volcano science experiment I am a little short on ideas. any help would be most appreciated.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7441,