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898 topics in this forum
Spanish Needed!
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone, I'm new to FSF so I hope I am doing the right thing. I have been finding that many children in my Reception class are struggling to achieve KUW 6 'Begins to know about own culture and beliefs and those of other people', and also the similar PSED ones. As we have been learning Spanish recently, next week I am planning to have a 'Culture Week' focussing on Spain and I am struggling to think of different ideas. I have a few but could really do with a hand thinking of more activities please! So far I've got... Making Sangria (using grape juice, orange juice and lemonade), learning Flamenco dancing, creating paper fans and comparing the Spanish day …
International Week 13/07/09
by Guest- 4 replies
Help!!! We have school international week on 13th July! Reception have been chosen to do France and Spain, Im struggling with ideas. so far... 1. european food shop, food tasting etc 2. French dance 3. counting to 10 in french and spanish 4. exploring cultural differences eg daily routines 5.Completing the Register in different languages 6. using french/spanish artists eg Renoir/Monet (cant think of any spanish) 7. French/spanish rhymes and songs 8.painting french/spanish flags Can you think of anything else? The whole week is going to be linked to these two countries! I need some child initiated activities linked to this if you can think of any…
Junk Modelling
by Guest- 19 replies
Hi Just a quick question... How do you get your children to build anything purposeful in the creative area. My children seem to just stick boxes together and when you ask them what they have made they can't answer. Do you put any signs up or challenge posters....i.e. Today your challenge is to make a robot! Please help the children seem to go through hundreds of boxes each week and nothing showing any great skill is being made???!!! Also do u give the chn glue celletape Bly tac etc so the chn have to decide what is the best thing to stick the model together? Please help I want purposeful and progressive learning to take place thank u
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
- 14 replies
Hi All, Please help! I'm looking for a craft/gift idea for Father's Day that wouldn't be obviously male. Sounds a bit odd I know but quite a few of my children don't know who their Dad is and have no 'father figure' so the gift would have to be appropriate to give to their mums if need be. I also want to steer clear of cards for that reason. I could just ignore Father's Day completely but that would be unfair on the families who do have dads. I know this seems early to be asking but I may have to get resources ordered and that takes ages at our place! So, if you can think of any simple craft ideas I would be really grateful. thanks Julie
P.e And Movement
by Guest- 2 replies
Hiya I work in a nursery setting. Sometimes due to bad weather we ahve to bring the children indoors and do movement with them in the hall. Has anyone got any good games they play with their nursery children which doesnt involve gettin extra resources bats and balls. This is because I have 39 children with me, and wouldnt be able to get other equipment out. Thanks in advance.
Places To Go
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi evryone. I have got an observation from the head in two weeks. But I am having a real blank at the moment thinking of ideas. It needs to be an activity during child-initiated play time. It is based around the topic places to go, and be a creative or a physical activity for indooors. Also, it doesn't have to be placed around places to go, it could just be anything! All ideas would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
String Phone
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi! I'm in a setting where two of the rooms are divided by a sliding glass door, which is normally shut. I thought a string phone might be something the staff could use, as well as the children would enjoy. Unfortunately, the one I made doesn't seem to work very well! I used two yoghurt pots and a piece of shoe-lace like material. I poked a hole in the bottom of each pot, put the shoe-lace in and knotted it so that it wouldn't slip back out. It carries zero sound though, even with the lace pulled taut! Does anybody who's been more successful have any tips/suggestions? Thanks! Regards Mark
- 9 replies
Just wanted to share with you......... Having identified that 'my' children haven't used the junk for construction for a long time.........they have taken to 'decorating boxes' with all sorts of resources - pasta, buttons, feathers, paper shapes etc. problem with that, but I really wanted to get some 'real construction' going again...... So - this morning, I emptied loads of boxes, tubes etc. onto a mat on the floor (instead of table) and put out lots of rolls of masking tape (instead of glue) for joining........ Wow what a success - lots of children very happily constructing - fantastic - I love it when a plan comes together!
- 3 replies
Hi, does anyone know of any document, research etc on the benefits of sensory play especially food products jelly etc. Need to provide a solid reason for using these. Thx
Problem Solving
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello everyone, not done this before so here goes. I have a lesson obs. coming up in a week based on problem solving. The Head is really keen for me to get an outstanding ---ha ha, no pressure then. Thought I might do bridge building but really not sure! Any ideas??? Oh should have said it is for an F2 class! Would be brill if it came under PSRN though I think its an important all round skill, Hope you all had lovely bank holiday, RachieRoo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228,