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898 topics in this forum
Weather Chart
by Guest- 3 replies
i'd like to share an activity idea we did a few weeks ago. i'm sure lots of you have done this many times but i wanted to share!!! we took a paper plate made an arrow out of card and secured in the middle of the plate with a split pin. we then sectioned the plate into 4 raining, sunny, windy and snowing, the children then used lots of materials to decorate their chart, cotton wool for snow etc. well after a couple of weeks the parents started coming in saying that the children are still using their charts every day and we were told by one parent that her child was walking down the road and the weather changed from raining to sunny and she couldn't wait to get home to ch…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
Areas In The Classroom
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, We have all of the usual areas in the Nursery. I would like to put up a description of what the children to do in each area and why, so that parents and visitors to the Nursery can see the purpose each area. For example, in our studio area we can draw, paint and make our own models..... We do have continuous provision plans for each area, but we would like descriptions as well. I was hoping that someone would have something similar that they can share. Thanks.
- 4 replies
I must share with you a story I read today from Mick Inkpen I only bought it because it was buy one get one free!! cant remeber the exact title but it is about the Naughty Step!! umm and arred because ofcourse we dont use the word naughty in the setting listening to the chidlren most do infact have a'naughty step'!! It was one of those stories that you read and every sngle child pays attention almost holding their breath!! Their faces were delightful, the participation and thought was classical. I urge you to lend it or buy it you wont be sorry!! Andrea
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
Puppet Shows/theatre Company
by Guest- 2 replies
We have been given a budget at school to be spent on some form of entertainment for the children such as a puppet show. Just wondering if anyone has used any companies before that were good. Lots of websites to look on but would rather have a recommendation. It's for Nursery and Reception aged children. Thank you!
Fire Please Help
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Please help. This week i am doing subtraction and our topic is firefighters. I want to do something were children put fires out with a water pistol and then count how many are left. The specifics of an activity are leaving me clueless - any ideas on what can be the 'fire' for children to put out or any activity ideas Many thanks Lola
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Journeys Topic
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello Sitting here doing my planning - starting to write another new topic! Journeys. But am still in xmas/new year mode and have run out of ideas for PSE/Mathematical/Physical elelments for this topic? Anybody done anything that worked really well. this topic is new to me have a few ideas for the rest - probably too many! starting to confuse my self! Thank You Sarah
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21143, -
Discovery Bottles
by Guest- 5 replies
Have been reading the topics about discovery bottles and would love to do them with my class next week. Was just wondering what are the most popular ( and to begin with ) the easiest ones to do to to start with? Any suggestions woudl be greatly appreciated.
Incy Wincy Spider
by Guest- 4 replies
Hey...... Really, really stuck on some ideas to do with the babies for incy wincy spider display board. Can anyone help me??
Pets 3 Week Topic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi All We are just starting a 3 week topic on Pets that the children chose. We have collected all the children's ideas but was hoping that you might have some fantastic ideas of your own. I have looked in the resource section and have a few ideas now about the vets. Any other ideas will be great!! Brownie x
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi all just got some good new as i have an interview for a job as a teacher in a nusery class. I am bassically going to get observed for 15minutes on a cll lesson, and then have a half an hour interview. I wanted to do something differnt which would engage the 7 children i would have in my group! Has any1 got any ideas?? Thank you in advance.xx