Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Refuse Collectors
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all our topic next term is people who help us. So far we are doing collages using 'rubbish', litter picking around school, keep our school tidy posters, setting up a recycling centre in school, role playing refuse collectors. I am struggling for a numeracy activit and free flow activity ideas any help would be gratefully received Thanks Lola
- 1 reply
I am starting a topic of super heros next term. Please will you help with ideas for the seven areas of learning. Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi All!! I am covering in a nursery school on monday. I am expected to keep the chn on the carpet for 45 minutes!! yes 45minutes!! so i was wondering if anybody has any ideas on how i cna keep the children focused! i was told to have atleast 3 activities for the carpet!! the children are aged 3-4.!! any ideas welcome!! Thanks in advance x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I have a very creative friend (artist, musician, singer) who has worked in the past on small projects with nurseries and children's centres. She would like to do a lot more of this! Does anyone know of an agency/official organisation that she could contact to "get on their books"?
Last reply by Helen, -
- 19 replies
Following on from a really useful thread about 'Tuff Spots' that gave lots of ideas thought I'd ask you all what is in your Sand tray this week? We've had the buckets and spades letters small moulds Any ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
by Guest- 8 replies
Have you ever made flubber? It's a fascinating and fun sensory material made by mixing 1 cup of PVA glue with cups of water in the first bowl along with a dash of food colouring or paint if you want, in a 2nd container mix 2/3 cup of warm water with 2 level tsp of borax. Then pour mixture 2 into mixture one and stir as it starts to change straight away. In less than 2 minutes you have a stretchy, gloopy, squishy ball of flubber! I made one pink and one green batch today ready to use tomorrow. According to my internet searches it washes out of clothing easily (I guess depending on what sort of colouring you used). Borax is available from the pharmacy dept of your che…
- 19 replies
I printed off info about discovery bottles and took the list of various ones into work this morning. I asked the staff to choose 2 that they would like to make or have the children help make. One member of staff chose one that has confetti and clear corn starch. What is clear corn starch - none of us know - do you know what it is ? Hope you can help Sue J
- 10 replies
Hi - looking for some inspiration with a slightly tricky activity request... I have been asked to spend a little time each week encouraging foundation stage children to practice letter formation (in particular, concentrating on the letters of their name) I usually work with a teacher who really understands the EYFS ethos of learning through play - but this activity will be for a teacher who is a little more 'traditional' - shall we say! (in Yr R of Infant school)) I generally offer activities that involve the children being hands-on, messy and tactile but the teacher is not allowing many materials (compost, shaving foam, cornflour to name a few) I am looki…
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi, Has anyone got any ideas what activities I can do with Reception children reguarding rememberance day? We do not have any children with father's in the army but I feel that they should know why we wear poppies and feel that a short two min talk to them about them is not enough. Would it be okay to say the reason why we wear poppies is to remember people who have died in the war? I dont want to scare them or worry them (you can tell this is my first ever class cant you lol) I was thinking about telling them a small statement like that and then getting them to colour in a poppy or something? OR should I just skip over it? It does not feel right doing that t…
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi i was just wondering if anyone knows any books that i could base my winter topic on? Any ideas would be much apreciated! Thank you Sunny x